- Fix AttributeError Related to os.EX_DATAERR and os.EX_NOINPUT in Windows Environment ParkSangsin (36)
🔧 Maintenance
- Update requirements.txt dd-jy (42) - Print option name with error msg bjk7119 (40) - Fix typo in variable name from error_mgs to error_msg ParkSangsin (37)
Changes 🔧 Maintenance
- Refactoring OSS Item from FOSSLight Util soimkim (33) - Limit installation to fosslight_util 1.4.* soimkim (32)
Changes 🔧 Maintenance
- Prints even if some package is missing soimkim (31)
Changes 🚀 Features
- Add Scanner Info sheet dd-jy (28)
🔧 Maintenance
- Update the column names soimkim (30) - Do not print text file soimkim (29)
Changes 🔧 Maintenance
- Do not exclude binaries without OSS information soimkim (27) - Print an error if -i, -ip is entered incorrectly soimkim (26)