- Fixed caching issue in **foundations.parsers.SectionsFileParser.write** method.
- Moved **foundations.common.isBinaryFile** definition into **foundations.io** module.
- Handled **BadZipfile** exception in **foundations.pkzip.Pkzip.extractZipFile** method.
- Ensured **foundations.parsers.SectionsFileParser.parse** method reads current file content if no content has been previously set.
- Ensured that loggers and their formatters receive unicode data.
- Removed dependency on **ordereddict** for Python versions that already include it.
- Added **foundations.shell.** module.
- Extracted documentation utilities to their own repository.
- Implemented magic methods tests for **foundations.parsers.SectionsFileParser** class.
- Implemented **foundations.parsers.SectionsFileParser.setValue** method.
- Implemented support for **ANSI** escape codes.
- Implemented new documentation theme.
- Reformatted package docstrings.