* New flag ``--fpm-options-file path/to/file`` which allows you to specify additional fpm flags in an external file of your choosing. (`1905`_, `1902`_, `1827`_; Jordan Sissel, Will Furnell, hjpotter92)
* deb: Periods are now accepted in package names (`1899`_; C. Cooke)
* Fix bug where fpm would crash if ``--workdir`` pointed at a path that didn't
exist. (`1959`_; Jordan Sissel)
* osxpkg: this package format now supports the fpm ``--prefix`` flag(`1909`_, `1908`_; Jordan Sissel, mcataga)
* cpan: Fix bug where fpm would fail on certain Perl modules due to their source tarball structure (`1940`_; Nicholas Hubbard, William N. Braswell, Jr.)
* cpan: Fix crash on certain CPAN modules where the author field was blank (`1942`_, `1937`_, `1523`_, `1528`_; Nicholas Hubbard, William N. Braswell, Jr.)
* deb: The distribution field of the debian changelog and changes files will now use the value set by ``--deb-dist`` (default is "unstable") (`1934`_; Chabert Loïc)
* python: Fix errors in how fpm invoked ``pip``. Previously, fpm would use pip's ``--build`` flag, but this was removed a while ago, and fpm is now aware! (`1896`_, `1831`_, `1893`_, `1916`_; Jordan Sissel, Svyatogor Chuykov)
* pleaserun: Add ``--pleaserun-user`` flag. (`1912`_; Evgeny Stambulchik)
* deb: The default ``--deb-priority`` is now "optional" instead of "extra" (`1913`_; Chris Novakovic)
* Enable installation of fpm on older versions of ruby. This change removed ``git`` rubygem dependency. (`1946`_, `1923`_; Jordan Sissel, Andreas Wirooks, Ruslan Kuprieiev, jamshid, Lorenzo Castellino, Sam Hughes)
* Enable operation of fpm on very old versions of ruby (as old as Ruby 1.9.3). This changed removed ``json`` rubygem dependency. (`1950`_, `1949`_, `1741`_, `1264`_, `1798`_, `1800`_, `1784`_; Jordan Sissel and many others)
* Fix bug where subprocesses could hang waiting for input (`1955`_, `1519`_, `1522`_; Nicholas Hubbard, William N. Braswell, Jr.)
* Update Dockerfile to use ubuntu:20.04 (`1935`_; Gnought)
* internal: Fix a code typo (`1948`_; Nicholas Hubbard)
* internal tests: Support newer versions of lintian (`1939`_, `1907`_; Jordan Sissel)
* Improve support for Ruby 3.1.0 and newer that would previously crash with an error mentioning Psych::DisallowedClass (`1898`_, `1895`_; Jordan Sissel, Alexandre ZANNI)
* Improve support for Ruby 3.1.0 and newer that changed the API for ERB (`1897`_; Jordan Sissel)