New features:
* You can configure `Freddi` from configuration file `freddi.ini` instead of command line.
* Output data file mirrors configuration in the header. You can just copy-past this header to `freddi.ini`, uncomment it and obtain the same results.
* New option `--lambda`. You can specify numerical optical wavelengths in Angstrom and obtain spectral flux for the corresponding photon frequency.
* New initial condition options have been added:
* `--gaussF` for Gauss distribution of viscous torque. `--gaussmu` and `--gausssigma` specifies parameters of this distribution.
* `--Mdot0` specifies initial accretion rate for several initial conditions.
* `--Mdisk0` specifies initial disk mass.
* Readme has been updated.
* Some default parameters have been changed.
* Numerical bugs have been fixed, e.g. the first data line in `freddi.dat` corresponds to initial condition now, not to the time moment just after it.
The paper has been accepted to MNRAS, see [arXiv:1610.01399v2](