- 🎉 Frelatage goes from Alpha to Beta with version 0.1.0 🎉 - The interface has been reworked - Many bugs have been fixed - The source code is now formatted to meet PEP8 standards and typing and verified using MyPy - Infinite fuzzing is now possible, 23
What's changed?
- Ignores warnings during fuzzing process - Improves integer fuzzing by adding new magic values. - Adds timeout delay in the interface. - Implements `load_corpus` to load several files at once into a corpus. 13 - Allows to load input files from subdirectories. 16 - Make the input folder parameter an environment variable. - Minor interface fixes and version standardization (`__version__`)
What's changed?
- Create more specifics reports names: 9 - fixes 11 - Created a [Hall of Fame](https://github.com/Rog3rSm1th/Frelatage/blob/main/hall_of_fame.md)
What's changed?
- The **interface** has been reworked to fit more easily into smaller terminals. - Possibility to use a **corpus** to fuzz more efficiently. - Implementation of a **queue system** to test the elements of the corpus one after the other.
What's changed?
- The interface now displays the name of the fuzzed function, and the cursor is now hidden. - A detailed report is displayed at the end of the fuzzing. - The value of the environment variables is checked before the fuzzer is launched. - Implementation of a silent mode.