- Session should support batch size and compiler_hints flag 375
- Profiler API added to enable/disable runtime profiler dynamically 363
- Adopt the profiler enabled by env variable to async session 393
- Fix the missing git_version files and in some modules 318
- More abundant version information in CLI tools 320
- litmus should use furiosa-tools compile rather than session.create() 317
- Change the default device to npu0pe0-1 (fusioned 2pe)
- Replace setuptools with flit to follow PE517 compliant structure 270
- Simplify checking if a model is partially quantized 349
- NUX_PROFILER_PATH environment deprecated via new FURIOSA_PROFILER_OUTPUT_PATH 363
- Furiosa Model exposes blocking API over non-blocking API 414
- Upgrade ONNX OperatorSet version to 13 131