- Updated `requirements.txt` with latest version of Arcade.
- Updated to latest version of Python Arcade, version 2.6.16. Most functionality already compatible, most differences are graphical or with drawing text objects in the window.
- Fixed `accuracy` property in `Score()` class to be based on bullets that hit an asteroid instead of asteroids that were hit by bullets. The former method allowed for accuracy >100% due to the fact that a bullet can hit multiple asteroids. The new method only counts each bullet if it hits any (including more than one) asteroids. This more accurately reflects the idea of accuracy of a shot and can also now be used in training.
- Updated `bullets_remaining` attribute in `Score()` class to always be -1 if unlimited ammo. Previously if a ship didn't fire it would still say bullets remaining was 0 but as soon as it fires it becomes -1.
- Updated accuracy calculations in `Score()` class to only be (asteroids hit by bullets)/(bullets fired) instead of asteroids hit by bullets or ships. This is more representative of shooting accuracy.
- Added check for if bullet objects still exist before stopping due to `stop_if_no_ammo` option.