- Added **support for BigWig files** in a new Continuous Data object (63) New endpoints and message types include:
- `POST /continuoussets/search`
- `GET /continuoussets/{id}`
- `POST /continuous/search`
- Continuous (new)
- ContinuousSet (new)
- Add **ability to list and join peer server networks** (60) New endpoints and message types include:
- `POST /peers/list`
- `POST /peers/announce`
- `GET /info`
- ListPeersResponse (new)
- Peer (new)
- AnnouncePeerResponse (new)
- GetInfoResponse (new)
- Remove feature_id from ExpressionLevel and add ability to search by the Name field (67) Impacts
- 'POST /expressionlevels/search'
- `GET /expressionlevels/{id}`
- Replaced info fields with rich type Attributes fields (46) Impacts the following message types:
- TranscriptEffect
- VariantAnnotation
- Individual
- Biosample
- Experiment (new)
- Analysis (new)
- Dataset
- ReadGroup
- ReadGroupSet
- ReadAlignment
- Reference
- ReferenceSet
- RnaQuantificationSet
- RnaQuantification
- ExpressionLevel
- Feature
- VariantSetMetadata
- CallSet
- Call
- Variant
- Replace NCBI taxon ID integer with ontology term. Impacts the following message types:
- Reference
- ReferenceSet
- Changed ontology term “id” to “term_id” (48) Impacts the following message types:
- OntologyTerm
* Created a basic Info page for the Pypi repository (68)