
Latest version: v0.1.10

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Implement API keys to GS BE Core [GS-159].
Implement the "CAUJF" endpoint to build all user's parameters local JSON files [GS-159].
Generic Endpoint Builder for Flask [GS-15].

FastAPI get_current_user() now gets the headers from the request object (required by the API keys implementation) [GS-159].
GenericDbHelperSuper class assigns None default value to Request and Blueprint, and {} to query_params and request_body properties, so it can be used by save_all_users_params_files() or other functions that does not have those objects in a given time [GS-159].
GenericDbHelperSuper class avoid call specific_func_name() when blueprint is None [GS-159].
Overall code clean up and linting changes.

Fix poetry 2.x "The option --no-update does not exist" error message [FA-84].
Missing "context" and "event_dict" properties, "to_dict" and "to_original_event" events, were added to the FastAPI Request class.
"'License :: OSI Approved :: ISC License' is not a valid classifier" error fixed [FA-84].



Add "/users/current_user_d" endpoint [GS-2].
Add GS_LOCAL_ENVIR envvar to detect a local database running in a docker container [GS-102].

Make DynamoDb tables with prefix work with the GS DB Abstraction [GS-102].
Add error handling to all GenericDbHelper methods [GS-102].
DynamoDB abstraction "update_one()" method handles update_one, replace_one, $addToSet and $pull operations [GS-102].
App logger shows LOCAL condition and database engine.
Botocore upgraded to "^1.35.20" [GS-128].
S3transfer upgraded to "^0.10.0" [GS-128].



Add: ".nvmrc" file to set the repo default node version.

Upgrade dependency versions (pymongo==4.7.2 -> pymongo==4.8.0)

Fix: audio processing issues in FastAPI Apps by configuring expose_headers=["*"] in fastapi.add_middleware() [GS-95].



Add password and API Keys to AWS Secrets (encrypted) [GS-41].
Add plain envvars to AWS Secrets (unencrypted) [GS-96].
Add GET_SECRETS_ENABLED envvars to enable/disable cloud provider secrets [GS-41].
Add GET_SECRETS_ENVVARS and GET_SECRETS_CRITICAL envvars to fine-grained disabling of cloud secrets manager for critical secrets and plain envvars [GS-41].
Add CLOUD_PROVIDER envvar to .env.example, to choose the secrets manager cloud provider [GS-41].
Add GCP and Azure secrets initial code [GS-41].
Add AWS_DEPLOYMENT_TYPE envvar to .env.example, to have multiple deploying options like lambda, ec2 or fargate [GS-96].

Change: APP_STAGE=dev commented in .env.example to allow its value dynamic assignment [GS-41].
Change: minor linting changes.

Fix: "Can only access Blueprint.current_app if it's registered to an app." error in Chalice generic endpoint builder when there are specfici DB function [GS-81]



Mask the S3 URL and avoid AWS over-billing attacks [GS-72].
Add file uploads support to FastAPI [FA-246].
Add STORAGE_URL_SEED and APP_HOST_NAME env. vars. [GS-72].
Add "cryptography" dependency [GS-72].
Save all general and user's parameters read from DB in a /tmp/params_[user_id].json file for each user to speed up all API [GS-79].
Add specific functions to GenericDbHelper [GS-81].
Add "temp_filename()" to centralice the temporary filename path generation [GS-72].
Add "download_s3_object()" to download the file from the bucket and return the local path, instead of its content [GS-72].
Add requirements.txt generation to Makefile on publish.
Add ".PHONY" entries for all labels in Makefile.

Redirect README instructions to the GenericSuite Documentation [GS-73].
BlueprintOne abstraction [GS-79].
Split GenericDbHelper and create GenericDbHelperSuper.
"blueprint" as mandatory parameter to GenericDbHelper, AppContext and app_context_and_set_env(), to make posible the specific functions to GenericDbHelper [GS-81].
"Config.formatted_log_message" loads APP_DB_NAME with "os.environ.get()" to report errors even when this env. var. is not set.

Fix "TypeError: 'AuthTokenPayload' object is not subscriptable" error in "generic_db_helpers.get_current_user" by using "request.user.public_id" instead of "self.request.user['public_id']" [FA-122].
Fix the CORS header Access-Control-Allow-Origin missing in FastAPI in Firefox [GS-69].
Handles the \ issue in environment variables values when runs by "sam local start-api" [GS-90].
Fix AWS save_file_from_url() returns "public_url" instead of "attachment_url".


Not secure

Add: "mangum" to make FastAPI work on AWS Lambda [FA-246].
License changed to ISC in "pyproject.toml" [FA-244].

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