* [ci]: Fixed GitHub integration tests.
* [installation]: Switch to the [vcfpy](https://vcfpy.readthedocs.io/) library for parsing VCFs.
* [installation]: GDI now works with Python >= 3.8, < 3.10.
* GDI will not currently work in Python 3.10 due in particular to this issue (https://github.com/etetoolkit/ete/issues/635), which does not exist below 3.10.
* [installation]: Removed restriction on version of snpeff.
* [analysis]: Added option `--no-snpeff-reference-check` to disable reference genome CDS and Protein checking when building snpeff database. To support building snpeff genome databases with problematic genomes (see https://github.com/pcingola/SnpEff/issues/388).
* [installation]: Removed requirement exact version of bcftools and htslib. Now only needs `bcftools>=1.13` and `htslib>=1.13`.
* [installation]: Removed restriction for version of sourmash. Now works with any sourmash version.