Breaking Changes
* Drop support for Python 3.6, **minimal version** is now **3.7**
* Content of `gftool.matrix` was renamed more appropriately:
- `xi` of `~gftool.matrix.Decomposition` is now
`~gftool.matrix.Decomposition.eig`, as it contains the eigenvalues
- New functions
`~gftool.matrix.decompose_mat` for general matrices,
`~gftool.matrix.decompose_sym` for complex symmetric matrices,
and `~gftool.matrix.decompose_her` for Hermitian matrices.
* Deprecate the `~gftool.matrix` functions
and `~gftool.matrix.Decomposition.from_hamiltonian`.
* New index page independent of README,
separated :doc:`getting-started` page.
* Improve :doc:`tutorial` and `gftool.matrix`
* Generate PDF documentation on ReadTheDocs (3122e1ba)
Internal improvements
* Use eigendecomposition instead of SVD in `gftool.beb` (0475c110)
* Drop slow `~numpy.asfortranarray` in `gftool.matrix` (4865cc05)
* Use `pre-commit` (6f4028d3)