* Fixed delay while bootstrapping the dork database.
* Fixed surf cert IDS logger (Issue 140). * Syslog logger now outputs sensor host/port instead of the attacker supplied HOST header. * Added STIX/TAXII logger. * Detection of SQLi attempts are now done using Libinjection from CLient9. * Various minor improvements and bugfixes. * Attack surface now customizable. * Not backwards compatible with Glastopf 3.0.8
* Added configurable server banner. * Fixed MySQL bug which crashed the log worker on certain requests. * Fixed HPFriends bug which crashed the log worker when transmitting events with attached files.
* Added support for Jinja2 templates. * Fixed MySQL logging (Issue 81). * Fixed files logging with hpfeed (Issue 81). * Changed http parsing to use the builtin BaseHTTPRequestHandler (Issue 76, 75). * Disabled profiling support.