- `[sc-13892] <https://app.shortcut.com/globus/story/13892>`_
Standardize flow viewer, starter, and administrator arguments -- and their aliases -- throughout the CLI and API.
Although this change fixes bugs that prevented documented CLI options from working,
it also introduces breaking changes:
* ``--flow-viewer``, ``--flow-starter``, and ``--flow-administrator`` are the canonical CLI options.
* The CLI option aliases will continue to work, but the alias behavior has changed:
* If an alias is used, a warning is written to STDERR.
* If the canonical option name is combined with one of its aliases,
an error will be written to STDERR and the Automate client will exit.
The exit code will be 1.
* If more than one of the acceptable aliases is used (like ``--starter`` and ``--runnable-by``),
an error will be written to STDERR and the Automate client will exit.
The exit code will be 1.
In addition, there are breaking changes in the API:
* ``flow_viewers``, ``flow_starters``, and ``flow_administrators`` are the canonical API argument names.
* The API argument aliases will continue to work, but the alias behavior has changed:
* If an alias is used, a Python warning will be issued.
Applications can control the warning behavior using Python's ``warnings`` module.
* If the canonical option name is combined with one of its aliases, a ``ValueError`` will be raised.
* If more than one of the acceptable aliases is used (like ``starters`` and ``runnable_by``), a ``ValueError`` will be raised.
- Update pyjwt to version 2.4.0 to address
`CVE-2022-29217 <https://nvd.nist.gov/vuln/detail/CVE-2022-29217>`_.
.. _changelog-0.15.2: