
Latest version: v1.4.5

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- Increase robustness
- Update docs



- Added class for creating a CSV file containing a subset of the results
- No longer need to plot, to be able to extract SNR data

The result file looks like this:
<img width="843" alt="result_table" src="">

The biggest change in this PR is speed improvements. A 24-hour RINEX observation file (30s datarate) that took around 12 min to process before, now takes around 2 minutes due to the use of vectorization.

1. **Utilize Vectorization for Signal Delay Estimations**
- Implement vectorization for estimating signal delays to achieve significant speed improvements.

2. **Enhancements in Cycle Slip Detection and Multipath Resetting**
- Improve cycle slip detection and the resetting of multipath for each continuous arc.

3. **Utilize Vectorization for Conversion/Interpolation Operations**
- Implement vectorization when converting/interpolating from Kepler elements to Earth-Centered, Earth-Fixed (ECEF) coordinates and when converting GLONASS state vectors to ECEF. This optimization results in major speed improvements.

4. **Utilize Vectorization for Satellite Elevation and Azimuth Computations**
- Implement vectorization when computing satellite elevation and azimuth angles to achieve better performance.

5. **Fix Bug in RinexNav Class**
- Address a bug in the RinexNav class where the first epoch for the first satellite was being skipped.

6. **Introduce Typing Hints in Main Function**
- Enhance code readability and maintainability by incorporating typing hints in the main function.

7. **Add Zstd Compression as User Option**
- Provide users with the option to choose if one want to use Zstd compression for improved data storage.

8. **Default SNR Analysis (Optional to Turn Off)**
- Conduct SNR analysis by default, with the flexibility for users to turn it off if needed.

9. **Code Refactoring**
- Conduct necessary refactoring to enhance code structure and maintainability.

- Prepare for pypi
- Better fontsize and figsize in plots
- Refactoring (remove trailing whitespace etc)

This release includes the following changes:

- Fix bug in allocation position, azimuth and elevation angles if SP3 file is used. If no multipath estimates was possible all elevation angle become nan. This is now fixed.
- If signals have only zeros, they will be skipped completely. (speed improvement)
- Create a logger-file that logs warnings and errors.
- Fix progress compute satellite coordinates, elevation and azimuth angles (when broad nav is used)
- GLONASS FCN numbers is now read from Rinex navigation file.
- Speed improvements
- Output of readRinexNav is gathered in a dictionary
- Refactoring
- Fix the wrong index of the epoch flag in readRinex module
- Create a Pickle class for compressing, saving and reading a pickle file.
- The result file is now a compressed pickle file (compression ratio up to 30, but depends on the data)
- Wrap the reading function for RINEX nav inside a new class called RinexNav
- Add an argument for data rate in the reading routine for RINEX NAV files (to improve speed)
- Add a progress bar in the reading routine for RINEX NAV (part of the RinexNav class)
- Major improvements regarding stability, robustness, and handling different variants of RINEX observation files.

Major improvement to robustness and stability.

Add automated test for:

- ECEF2geodb
- ECEF2enu
- compute_azimut_elev
- GNSS_Multipath_Analysis (testing the whole software)
- Fix bug if plotEstimates was set to FALSE. Results was not updated properly.

Other fixes and changes:

- make ECEF2geodb more robust by using arctan2
- prevent error when a code is removed from overview (range2_Code error ([]))
- make epoch counter more robust by using "startswith"
- some refactoring
- Add automated tests as a GitHub action. Trigger by pull requests to dev and master.

Fixes in v.1.2.0:
* Major improvments of the Rinex v2.xx reading routine (more robust)
* Add support for Signal To Noise Ratio (SNR) in the software
* Added plot that shows both SNR wrt time and elevation angle
* Added polarplot of SNR
* Latex no longer required to run the software (but its recommended to install Latex to make the text formatting in the plots prettier)
* Made barplot for systems with less than two obscodes prettier (not to thick bars)
* Fix a small bug in writeoutputfile for GLONASS
* Bug fix in the computeSatElevation angle. In previous releases angles got computed for satellite that was not visible in the current epoch. This is now fixed.
* Fix float formatting on colorbar in polar plot (now always only 1 decimal)

In this release, among other things, these issues are fixed: 3 and 6

New release with several improvements and bug fixes. For instance:
- Fix wrong elevation and azimuth angles if the receiver has a longitude below zero.
- Fix error in elevation computation using SP3 files
- Added support for band 3 in RINEX observation reading routine
- Fix removement of cycle slips detected if happened below elevation cut off angle.
- Results of the elevation and azimut angles are verified using RTKLIB
- Some refactoring and merging of files

Note: The reading routine for RINEX v.2 is still error prone. Will be further developed and fixed in new release.
Please let me know if you run into bugs or have suggestions for additional functionality.




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