* **Fixed**
* The `scripts/wr_hier.pyi` script can now print the hierarchy for GO IDs in all namespaces. [163](https://github.com/tanghaibao/goatools/issues/163)
* The semantic_similarity function upon comparing a GO term to itself. [150](https://github.com/tanghaibao/goatools/issues/150)
* **Added**
* Added a new notebook showing how to download background genes from NCBI.
* Added arg, `--prt_study_gos_only`, to script, `scripts/find_enrichment.py`
to print only study GOs when printing all GO terms, regardless of their significance (`--pval=1.0`):
`find_enrichment.py study_genes.txt human_genes.txt gene2go --pval=1.0 --prt_study_gos_only`
* **Changed**
* Remove trailing divider ("NOT|"), if it exists in the gpad file ([go-annotation 2885](https://github.com/geneontology/go-annotation/issues/2885))