- Move code to https://bitbucket.org/gocept/gocept.autocomplete.
- Update tests and code to Python 2.7 and ZTK 1.1.6.
- Switch to jQuery UI and Fanstatic instead of YUI and ``zc.resourcelibrary`` .
- `configure.zcml` no longer includes ``zope.app.zcmlfiles``, it was moved to `ftesting.zcml`.
- Described the dependency on ``zc.resourcelibrary`` in README which makes this package incompatible with packages using ``hurry.resource``.
contributed by Roman Joost <romanmooball.com>:
- Added grouped forms support.
- Added configuration options for delimiter character, minimum query length and the type-ahead feature
- Slightly different way to "estimate" the widget URL: use the form's context, not the getContent() method: if the content is redirected using an adapter then the view might not exist there.