- A "fix" for a gevent problem on Windows (`socket` must be imported!). [28](https://github.com/rgalanakis/goless/issues/28)
- Errors in the case of a deadlock will be more informative. For example, if the last greenlet/tasklet tries to do a blocking send or recv, a `DeadlockError` will be raised, instead of the underlying error being raised. [25](https://github.com/rgalanakis/goless/issues/25)
- goless now has a small exception hierarchy instead of exposing the underlying errors.
- Better PyPy stackless support. [29](https://github.com/rgalanakis/goless/issues/29)
- `goless.select` can be called with `(case1, case2, case3)`, etc., in addition to a list of cases (ie, `([case1, case2, case3])`). [22](https://github.com/rgalanakis/goless/issues/22)
Thanks to [Michael Az](https://github.com/MichaelAz) for several contributions to this release.