* task : upgrade pinned deps
* task : (breaking) drop support for Python 3.8
* fix : also remove folderUID when creating templates
* feature : caching in finder
* feature : `FlowResult.ensure_success` for inline raising flow exceptions
* feature : `FileStore.resolve_object_to_filepath` has the type of object being referenced, allowing separate folders for alerts and dashboards
* feature : `Finder.get_alerts_in_folders`
* refactor : (breaking) set compatibility for API in Finder
* refactor : use `folderUIDs` for newer search API
* feature : FileStore accepts json encoders and decoders
* feature : Flow.extend for adding multiple flows in 1 call
* fix : searching for multiple folders doesn't fail and return all of them
* feature : add DashboardTransformer to help fill Grafana templates
* feature : flow: add URLStore to import dashboards and alerts from remote sources
* feature : flow: allow all PathLike instead of just str
* feature : flow: easier to change filename convention
* fix : fix typo in grafanarmadillo.flow.Store : write_dasbaord -> write_dashboard