
Latest version: v0.3.5

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* Corrected distribution files for missing models


* Corrected sampling with ConditionalInvariantModel
* Added new weighted sampling method for aggregate graphs


* Added the sparse ConditionalInvariantModel
* Corrected issues with CremB sampling


* Improved and corrected support for the computation of average nearest neighbour properties and degrees.


* Added to the spark module a function to compute the confusion matrix elements at various thresholds of the probability matrix.


* Major update of graph classes into four new categories (Graph, DiGraph, MultiGraph, MultiDiGraph) in line with Networkx.
* Cleaned up models and organized in three modules (dense, sparse, spark) based on how the computations are performed and results are stored.
* Introduced better inheritance through Ensemble classes based on the newly defined graph classes.
* Added testing in spark and updated testing of MultiDiGraph Ensemble classes.

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