* Refactor client code * Add two new GELF transport options! In addition to previously-supported HTTP, graylogging can now use TCP or UDP sockets for added flexibility!
Known Issues
* Canoot decouple the formatter. Hardcoded to use the GraylogHandler class.
* Initial commit to github after being a private project.
Known Issues
* Cannot decouple the formatter. Hardcoded to use the GraylogHandler class.
* Documentation updates.
Known Issues
* Cannot decouple the formatter. Hardcoded to use the GraylogHandler class.
* Remove extraneous print and pprint statements * Fix renamed functions in tests
Known Issues
* Cannot decouple the formatter. Hardcoded to use the GraylogHandler class.
* Initial Version * Includes Graylog handler
Known Issues
* Cannot decouple the formatter. Hardcoded to use the GraylogHandler class.