* Added new random sampling functionality with two purposes. Firstly, during initialization it is known to be good to
start with random sampling if no data is available. Secondly, and also to ensure speedier optimization convergence, a
single randomly sampled point every now and then in between Bayesian points is known to increase convergence. Random
sampling is now available for both `auto` approach and `ask`-`tell` approach with the following features
* During class initialization, using random initialization or not is controlled by `random_start` (default: `True`)
* Additional parameters during initialization
* `num_initial_random`: number of initial random; no default, if not specified will be set to $\sqrt{ dimensions}$
* `random_sampling_method`: sampling method with options `random` (completely random) and `latin_hcs` (latin hypercube sampling); defaults to `latin_hcs`
* `random_step_cadence`: the cadence of random sampling after initialization (default: 10)
In `TuneSession` class initialization:
* If historical data is added via `train_X`, `train_Y`
* `proposed_X` has been changed to be a zero tensor of the same size as `train_X`. This replaces an empty tensor for
`proposed_X`, which confusingly could take any values.
* optimization cycle counters (iteration counters) `model["covars_proposed_iter"]`, `model["covars_sampled_iter"]`
and `model["response_sampled_iter"]` are set so the first iterations are taken as those from the historical data.
That is, if `train_X`, `train_Y` is provided with two observations during initialization, then the counters are set
as `model["covars_proposed_iter"]=2`, `model["covars_sampled_iter"]=2` and `model["response_sampled_iter"]=2`.
Removed the attribute `start_from_random` as part of adding more elaborate random sampling functionality.