
Latest version: v0.3.0

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- Badges or badge info on data object tags from chat are now their own tag-style dataclasses rather than dicts
- Added the ability to set global and user command cooldowns both in the config for all commands and in the command
register methods and decorators to override the config



- Added a class for first class access to common API usage
- An instance of this is now passed to decorated function commands instead of the original raw API class. No
deprecation warning was given because this is still in pre-release state and is subject to change without notice
- Changed the names of the possible kwargs of decorated caster commands and added more
- Added a config class to hold user config choices
- Added configurable link detection and purging



- Python 3.10 support
- Fix: Parse API documentation correctly for request payload fields that are objects and object lists



- Initial build
- Basic structure for classes
- Websocket connection that handles channel presence and yields incoming messages
- dataclasses to match the incoming messages from the websocket
- Channel state
- Annotated API endpoint functions, automatically generated from documentation
- Main entry bot class for setting basic commands and actions



Has known vulnerabilities

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