What's new? - fixed statdesc dot separator 5 comma behind to 2 comma behind bug for number between 0.01 and 1.
What's new? - filter feature for pandas dataframe. - fixed numpy array and pandas index base column bug after the optimizer update by supporting numpy.str_ to optimizer_key. - prevent cmap reinitialization for other libraries that are based on seaborn.
What's new? - rank order, gain, ks, and lift analysis decile starts from 0.
What's new? - rank order, gain, ks, and lift analysis added to the analytic package. - added customer_id parameter to cohort function.
What's new? - analytic package added, currently only available monthly cohort analysis. - text_sep_def bug when lineplot and scatterplot combined fixed. - as the major update of seaborn came, localized dependency is the best way to keep the production software working.