- add diacritics parsing
- add `analyse` command, for phonologically analysing a given IPA transcription
- add `check` command, for determining whether two IPA transcriptions form a
minimal pair
- add `list-languages` command, for printing out all languages (and their codes)
for which a wordlist can be fetched
- add `--keep-failed` option to `fetchipa`
- add `--filter-file` (`-f`) option to `generate`; this way, you can specify
which phonemes may form a minimal pair instead of always relying on a
- improve minimal pair generation performance
- fix bugs related to `fullmake` trying to generate even if the given language
is invalid
- fix bug where long sounds at the end of a syllable would make the entire
syllable not be registered
- fix chroneme and stress contrast checkers, which weren't very reliable for any
words larger than one syllable
- improve phoneme contrast checker by allowing phonemes to have different
lengths; ergo, more minimal pairs found
- change: specify the output file of the `makedeck` command instead of always
using the same name (`grzegorz-anki-deck.apkg`)
- change: keep chroneme and stress contrasts by default during minimal pair
generation; replace `--keep-chronemes` with `--no-chronemes` and
`--keep-stress` with `--no-stress`
- refactor to remove redundancies + add unit tests
- completely change the documentation structure