Changes to the **main imputation pipeline** include:
- Can now impute only a subset of chromosomes (the `--chrom` option).
- Possibility to further customize SHAPEIT (the `--shapeit-extra` option).
- Possibility to further customize IMPUTE2 (the `--impute2-extra` option).
- Chromosome X (both pseudo- and non-pseudo-autosomal regions) are now imputable.
Changes to the **statistical tool** include:
- Mixed linear model is now optimized to significantly reduce computation time.
- Better handling of categorical variables in survival analysis (CoxPH) (the `--categorical` option).
- Linear analysis now returns the adjusted r-squared value.
Changes to the **extraction tool** include:
- Addition of the _LGEN_ output format (the `--long` option, available for the `calls` and `dosage` format).
- Addition of the _BED_ output format (the `--format bed` option).
_The compatibility with Python 3.3 was removed (since `pandas` versions are too old in anaconda for this version)._