
Latest version: v0.6.0

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This HCIPy release provides further speed improvements for Fast Fourier transforms, New-Style Fields, new telescope pupils, the FQPM coronagraph, among some other minor improvements and bugfixes. See the list of all changes below for a summary. We added support for Python 3.11. This version supports Python 3.7+.

What's Changed
* added glass NPSK53 by syhaffert in https://github.com/ehpor/hcipy/pull/160
* added vacuum as glass material by syhaffert in https://github.com/ehpor/hcipy/pull/161
* Faster modulated pyramid wavefront sensor by syhaffert in https://github.com/ehpor/hcipy/pull/162
* VLTI aperture by syhaffert in https://github.com/ehpor/hcipy/pull/145
* Very small bug fix in Wavefront class by syhaffert in https://github.com/ehpor/hcipy/pull/166
* Fix bug in interpolating big-endian ndarray read from fits file. by ehpor in https://github.com/ehpor/hcipy/pull/170
* Emccd model by syhaffert in https://github.com/ehpor/hcipy/pull/163
* Add missing colon for conda installation by ivalaginja in https://github.com/ehpor/hcipy/pull/172
* Add Keck aperture by vkooten in https://github.com/ehpor/hcipy/pull/155
* Add problem matcher to annotate flake8 errors in PRs. by ehpor in https://github.com/ehpor/hcipy/pull/175
* Deterministic atmospheric phase screens by ehpor in https://github.com/ehpor/hcipy/pull/173
* Dispersion optics by syhaffert in https://github.com/ehpor/hcipy/pull/176
* Fix a typo in docs by ivalaginja in https://github.com/ehpor/hcipy/pull/183
* Remove codecov from dev requirements. by ehpor in https://github.com/ehpor/hcipy/pull/185
* Fourier symmetry tests by ehpor in https://github.com/ehpor/hcipy/pull/181
* Upgrade packaging to `pyproject.toml`. by ehpor in https://github.com/ehpor/hcipy/pull/179
* Zoom Fast Fourier Transform and Chirp Z-Transform by ehpor in https://github.com/ehpor/hcipy/pull/178
* FPS changed to duration in imageio dependency by ehpor in https://github.com/ehpor/hcipy/pull/188
* Fix `reset()` for atmospheric layers by ehpor in https://github.com/ehpor/hcipy/pull/190
* Refactor the single mode fiber injection unit by ehpor in https://github.com/ehpor/hcipy/pull/192
* Fixing backward propagation for vector vortex by GillesOrban in https://github.com/ehpor/hcipy/pull/193
* Change indentation from tabs to spaces. by ehpor in https://github.com/ehpor/hcipy/pull/196
* replace asdf.fits_embed by braingram in https://github.com/ehpor/hcipy/pull/199
* Fix utcnow() deprecation in Python 3.12. by ehpor in https://github.com/ehpor/hcipy/pull/206
* Fix `get_cmap()` deprecation. by ehpor in https://github.com/ehpor/hcipy/pull/207
* Explicitly use zeroth element of random array. by ehpor in https://github.com/ehpor/hcipy/pull/208
* Add Keck atmosphere from KAON303 by vkooten in https://github.com/ehpor/hcipy/pull/152
* Add support for Python 3.11. by ehpor in https://github.com/ehpor/hcipy/pull/212
* Explicitly use v2 of the imageio API. by ehpor in https://github.com/ehpor/hcipy/pull/210
* Fix docstring typos by ivalaginja in https://github.com/ehpor/hcipy/pull/215
* Add FQPM coronagraph by ivalaginja in https://github.com/ehpor/hcipy/pull/165
* Lyot coronagraph fix by syhaffert in https://github.com/ehpor/hcipy/pull/217
* Remove wavelength argument from docstring. by ehpor in https://github.com/ehpor/hcipy/pull/222
* Add FFT backend support for faster FFTs. by ehpor in https://github.com/ehpor/hcipy/pull/213
* New-style Fields by ehpor in https://github.com/ehpor/hcipy/pull/187
* Change indentation from tabs to spaces (again). by ehpor in https://github.com/ehpor/hcipy/pull/224
* Switch to Github Actions CI by ehpor in https://github.com/ehpor/hcipy/pull/226

New Contributors
* vkooten made their first contribution in https://github.com/ehpor/hcipy/pull/155
* GillesOrban made their first contribution in https://github.com/ehpor/hcipy/pull/193
* braingram made their first contribution in https://github.com/ehpor/hcipy/pull/199

**Full Changelog**: https://github.com/ehpor/hcipy/compare/v0.5.1...v0.6.0


What's Changed
* Return mask on all exit paths. by ehpor in https://github.com/ehpor/hcipy/pull/156
* Add segment transmission option to ELT and TMT apertures by ivalaginja in https://github.com/ehpor/hcipy/pull/158
* Add the possibility to get segments corresponding to the four quadrant of VLT aperture. by npourre in https://github.com/ehpor/hcipy/pull/101

New Contributors
* npourre made their first contribution in https://github.com/ehpor/hcipy/pull/101

**Full Changelog**: https://github.com/ehpor/hcipy/compare/v0.5.0...v0.5.1



This HCIPy release provides further speed improvements for Fourier
transforms, among some other minor improvements and bugfixes. See the
list of all changes below for a summary. This release can now also be
installed with Conda. We dropped support for Python 3.6. This version
supports Python 3.7+.

List of major changes

* Further speed improvements using NumExpr and in-place operations ([ehpor](https://github.com/ehpor)).
* Autodetect FFTs when doing general Fourier transforms ([ehpor](https://github.com/ehpor))
* Renamed some of the aperture functions to be more uniform ([ehpor](https://github.com/ehpor))
* Added file IO for Field, Grid and ModeBasis ([ehpor](https://github.com/ehpor))
* Allow the use of 32bit floating point Wavefronts ([ehpor](https://github.com/ehpor))
* Added the LUVOIR-B, GMT, TMT, ELT, Hale, HabEx, Hubble and JWST telescope apertures ([ivalaginja](https://github.com/ivalaginja), [syhaffert](https://github.com/syhaffert) & [ehpor](https://github.com/ehpor))
* Improved the speed of spiders and segmented apertures by 4x ([ehpor](https://github.com/ehpor))
* Knife edge coronagraph now works in all four directions ([syhaffert](https://github.com/syhaffert) & [ehpor](https://github.com/ehpor)))
* Improved support for animations ([ehpor](https://github.com/ehpor))
* Added focal-length parameter to Lyot coronagraph ([syhaffert](https://github.com/syhaffert))
* Added a telescope pupil introductory tutorial ([ehpor](https://github.com/ehpor))
* Allow step-index fibers to be put at arbitrary positions ([syhaffert](https://github.com/syhaffert))
* Fixed the PyWFS tutorial ([syhaffert](https://github.com/syhaffert))
* Added CaF2 to the materials ([syhaffert](https://github.com/syhaffert))
* Fixed deprecation warnings for Numpy 1.20 ([ehpor](https://github.com/ehpor))
* Added release for Conda ([ehpor](https://github.com/ehpor))
* Reading specific extensions of Fits files ([syhaffert](https://github.com/syhaffert))
* CI and linting automation maintenance and upgrades ([ehpor](https://github.com/ehpor))
* Added support for Python 3.10 and removed support for Python 3.6 ([ehpor](https://github.com/ehpor))
* Added conda-forge installation ([ehpor](https://github.com/ehpor))



This HCIPy release provides significant speed improvements for Fourier transforms, propagations and the vortex coronagraphs, among some other minor improvements and bugfixes. See the list of all changes below for a summary. We dropped support for Python 3.5. This version supports Python 3.6+.

List of major changes

* Major bug fix in caching algorithm for optical elements ([ehpor](https://github.com/ehpor))
* Major improvement in computational efficiency of FFTs and MFTs ([ehpor](https://github.com/ehpor))
* FFTs now use MKL when installed ([ehpor](https://github.com/ehpor))
* Fourier transforms now retain bit depth and do not automatically cast to double precision ([ehpor](https://github.com/ehpor))
* A new class FourierFilter for efficient correlations and convolutions ([ehpor](https://github.com/ehpor))
* The vortex coronagraphs now use smooth windowing for their multiscale Fourier transforms ([ehpor](https://github.com/ehpor))
* Added VLT aperture ([dsdoelman](https://github.com/dsdoelman), [ehpor](https://github.com/ehpor), [syhaffert](https://github.com/syhaffert) & [jmilou](https://github.com/jmilou))
* The perfect coronagraph can now handle polarized wavefronts ([ehpor](https://github.com/ehpor))
* Optical elements can now be pickled for multiprocessing ([ehpor](https://github.com/ehpor))
* Detectors can now do subsampling of the incoming light ([spbos](https://github.com/spbos) & [ehpor](https://github.com/ehpor))
* Fixed the OD wavefront sensors ([syhaffert](https://github.com/syhaffert))
* Fixed bug for the ZernikeWavefrontSensor when physical units were used ([yinzi-xin](https://github.com/yinzi-xin) & [ehpor](https://github.com/ehpor))
* Two new tutorials ([jmilou](https://github.com/jmilou) & [ehpor](https://github.com/ehpor))
* Tutorial notebooks are now allowed to use up to 10mins per cell ([ehpor](https://github.com/ehpor))
* Added support for Python 3.8 and 3.9 ([ehpor](https://github.com/ehpor))
* Migration to Azure Pipelines for CI tests on all operating systems ([ehpor](https://github.com/ehpor))
* Miscellaneous minor bug fixes ([syhaffert](https://github.com/syhaffert), [jmilou](https://github.com/jmilou) & [ehpor](https://github.com/ehpor))



This HCIPy release fixes a major bug in the caching algorithm for backwards propagation, among some other minor improvements. See the list of all changes below for a summary. This version supports Python 3.5+.

List of major changes

* Bug fix in the caching algorithm when using backwards propagation for the first time ([ehpor](https://github.com/ehpor))
* Add input/output to FITS and ASDF files for Field, Grid and ModeBasis ([ehpor](https://github.com/ehpor))
* Fixed normalization for the Fourier, Gaussian-Hermite and Gaussian-Laguerre mode bases ([ehpor](https://github.com/ehpor))
* Allow anamorphic magnification ([ehpor](https://github.com/ehpor))
* Allow variable wind speed for atmospheric layers ([syhaffert](https://github.com/syhaffert))
* Add plotting utilities for pupils and PSFs ([ehpor](https://github.com/ehpor))
* Fix FFMpegWriter for MacOS ([ehpor](https://github.com/ehpor) & [stevenbos](https://github.com/stevenbos))
* Minor documentation clarifications ([ehpor](https://github.com/ehpor))
* Increased test coverage ([ehpor](https://github.com/ehpor))



This HCIPy release contains full Stokes polarization support, some performance improvements and bug fixes. See the list of major changes below for a summary. This version supports Python 3.5+. This and later releases may still work with Python 2.7, but this is not a supported use case.

List of major changes

* Many new tutorials (everyone)
* Windows support for `GifWriter` ([jamienoss](https://github.com/jamienoss))
* Support for partially polarized wavefronts using Stokes vectors ([stevenbos](https://github.com/stevenbos), [dsdoelman](https://github.com/dsdoelman) & [ehpor](https://github.com/ehpor))
* Addition of general Jones matrix optical elements ([dsdoelman](https://github.com/dsdoelman), [stevenbos](https://github.com/stevenbos) & [ehpor](https://github.com/ehpor))
* Addition of wave plates ([dsdoelman](https://github.com/dsdoelman), [stevenbos](https://github.com/stevenbos) & [ehpor](https://github.com/ehpor))
* Addition of linear and circular polarizers and beam splitters ([dsdoelman](https://github.com/dsdoelman) & [stevenbos](https://github.com/stevenbos))
* Addition of a vector vortex coronagraph ([ehpor](https://github.com/ehpor))
* Addition of a vector Zernike wavefront sensor ([dsdoelman](https://github.com/dsdoelman))
* Automated testing of all polarization optical elements ([stevenbos](https://github.com/stevenbos), [dsdoelman](https://github.com/dsdoelman) & [ehpor](https://github.com/ehpor))
* Bug fix in the Zernike wavefront sensor ([dsdoelman](https://github.com/dsdoelman))
* Addition of a material refractive index catalog ([syhaffert](https://github.com/syhaffert) & [ehpor](https://github.com/ehpor))
* Addition of better microlenses ([syhaffert](https://github.com/syhaffert))
* Addition of better single/few mode fibers ([syhaffert](https://github.com/syhaffert))
* Fixed APP optimization code ([dsdoelman](https://github.com/dsdoelman))
* Improved handling of agnostic optical elements ([ehpor](https://github.com/ehpor))
* Improved of documentation, including developer notes ([ehpor](https://github.com/ehpor))
* Removal of much old, unused code ([ehpor](https://github.com/ehpor))
* Subpixel interpolation of atmospheric wavefronts is now default ([ehpor](https://github.com/ehpor))
* Speed improvements for calculating telescope apertures of up to 12x ([ehpor](https://github.com/ehpor))
* Evaluation of field generators can now be supersampled by any factor ([ehpor](https://github.com/ehpor))
* Bug fix where data files were not found on pip-installed versions of HCIPy ([ehpor](https://github.com/ehpor))

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