- Support and test the latest Python (3.12) and ROOT (6.32) versions (opapst)
- Relax version requirements for prompt_toolkit (opapst) - Instructions for installation with pipx (opapst)
- Fix no terminal output (opapst) - Make ls actually list directory contents (opapst)
- New Feature: Fit option onlypositivepeaks (j-kleemann) - New Feature: Position recalibrate with peak selection (j-kleemann) - New Feature: Notification option when end of spectra list is reached (j-kleemann) - Misc. fixes and many quality-of-life improvements (j-kleemann)
- Natural sorting of spectra for `spectrum get` (j-kleemann) - calbin for negative-energy bins and related improvements (ufrimangayer) - Support for ROOT 6.26 (opapst) - General build system and tooling improvements (opapst)
- Added support for running hdtv from a Docker container (lindt) - Enabled command line suggestions and history (j-kleemann) - Test more ROOT versions - Test Python 3.10