+ Based on [Stingray 1.0](https://github.com/StingraySoftware/stingray/releases/tag/v1.0), bringing a huge bump in performance
+ Following Astropy, Numpy and Scipy, HENDRICS 7.0 is only compatible with Python >3.8
+ Accepts many more file formats for round-trip of Stingray objects, thanks to the new functionality of Stingray.
+ Energy-filtered periodograms
+ A wider range of normalizations available for both ``HENfold`` and ``HENphaseogram``, with more options (e.g. smoothing) and higher-contrast color map by default
+ Many fixes to mission-specific files
+ Better info returned by Z/EF searches, including pulse amplitude estimates
+ New upper limit functionality in Z/EF searches with no candidates
+ ``HENplot`` now estimates the error of frequency and frequency derivative searches returned by ``HENzsearch`` and ``HENefsearch`` with option ``--fast``
+ Add ability to split files at a given MJD