**Full Changelog**: https://github.com/SSS-Says-Snek/hisock/compare/1.2...2.0
After over two months, we have finally finished the biggest `HiSock` version since v0.0.1: `Version 2.0`! This release is huge, with `174` commits, `52` changed files, `5,464` added lines, and `3,331` deleted lines. A ***HUGE*** shoutout to sheepy0125, as this release wouldn't have been possible without his contributions.
Now, without further ado, let's get into the changelog!
> **NOTE**: As this release is *major*, there are some major API-breaking changes, which are marked with a bold asterisk. Please refer to the newly-updated [documentation](hisock.readthedocs.io) if you have any questions.
- ( sheepy0125 )**\*** `ThreadedHiSockClient` and `ThreadedHiSockServer`'s `start_client()` and `start_server()` have been renamed to `start()`.
- ( sheepy0125 )**\*** Both of the threaded client's and server's `stop_client()` and `stop_server()` have been renamed to `stop()`.
- ( sheepy0125 )**\*** Both of the threaded client's and server's receive methods have been replaced by `recv()`, also with a new API. Check the documentation and the examples for how to use the new method.
- ( SSS-Says-Snek ) A new reserved command `*`! This command would be sent whenever a command not handled by a client's functions is detected.
- ( SSS-Says-Snek )**\*** `start()` for `HiSockClient` and `HiSockServer`! Instead of having to program a while loop themselves that calls `update()` or `run()` (which has now been privatized), all you have to do is to call `client.start()` or `server.start()`.
- ( SSS-Says-Snek ) A keepalive for `HiSockServer` has been added! Every minute, the server sends a request to all clients to check whether they are active. If they aren't, they will be disconnected from the server. This functionality can be disabled via a parameter to the constructor.
- ( sheepy0125 ) `on()` has a new parameter `override`. If the event has the same name as a reserved event and this is `True`, it'd behave like a regular event listener.
- ( sheepy0125 ) The client and server now have a callback and error handling system! If a function is passed to the `callback` parameter in `start()`, the function will get called every time the client/server gets "updated" (`_run()` or `_update()` finish). Similarly, if a function is passed to the `error_handler` parameter in `start()`, the function will get called if the client/server ever encounters an exception.
- ( sheepy0125 ) Event listeners now have "dynamic arguments". Check the documentation and the examples for how to use this new feature.
- ( sheepy0125 ) The entire codebase of HiSock has been refactored! Now, it is much cleaner and easier to understand than the previous release's codebase. Huge shoutout to sheepy0125 again for spending his time on refactoring HiSock.
- ( sheepy0125, SSS-Says-Snek ) Documentation of HiSock has also been massively improved!
- ( SSS-Says-Snek ) Improved cache by switching from dictionaries to instances of `MessageCacheMember`. Now, you can use the dot notation (e.g. `cache.header`) to access a cache member's contents.
- ( SSS-Says-Snek ) Changed client data parameter in functions from dictionaries to instances of `ClientInfo`. Now, you can use dot notation to access a client's info. You can also directly pass this to `.send()` and other related commands, instead of passing the IP attribute.
- ( SSS-Says-Snek ) Not passing any name in `change_name()` and `change_group()` resets the client to its original name.
- ( SSS-Says-Snek, For Contributors) Improved `setup.py` yet again, with new commands, more colors, and more debug information.
- ( sheepy0125, SSS-Says-Snek, For Contributors) Refactored and added tests.
- ( SSS-Says-Snek ) Fix numerous threaded client and server bugs.
- ( SSS-Says-Snek ) Fix two group bugs involving name changes.
That's all for this release; it's been a while since we released the latest version, but we hope that HiSock improved with this version. Bye!