- Added loop modelling routines: `routines.Routine_loopmodel_default` and `Routine_loopmodel_slow`, build on the base class `routines.Routine_loopmodel`
- Added functionality for, given a target sequence, automatically searching for
potential templates and generating alignments using different methods:
- Base class: `alignment.AlignmentGenerator`
- Classes for application: `alignment.AlignmentGenerator_pdb`, `alignment.AlignmentGenerator_hhblits`, `alignment.AlignmentGenerator_from_aln`
- Added Tutorial 8 about automatic generation of alignments.
- Methods for checking coverage between sequences in alignments:
- `alignment.Alignment.calc_coverage`
- `alignment.Alignment.calc_coverage_target`
- `alignment.Alignment.calc_pairwise_coverage_all`
- `pdb_io` submodule for pooling functionality that is internally used to handle PDB files.
- Added .gitignore file.
- Fixed mistake in docstring for `alignment.Alignment.calc_identity()`.
- `alignment.Alignment.calc_identity_target()` and
`alignment.Alignment.calc_pairwise_identity_all()` do not calculate
identities between sequences of the same identifier anymore.