- Automatically download and use any [standard index](https://github.com/bede/hostile#reference-genomes-indexes) by name. This means you can run e.g. `hostile clean --index human-t2t-hla-argos985 --fastq1 reads.fq.gz` and Hostile will fetch that index if it hasn't been downloaded previously. Addresses https://github.com/bede/hostile/issues/28
- Two new standard indexes:
- `human-t2t-hla.rs-viral-202401_ml-phage-202401` (RefSeq viral & [Millard Lab phage](https://millardlab.org/phage-genomes-jan-2024/))
- `human-t2t-hla.argos-bacteria-985_rs-viral-202401_ml-phage-202401` (ARGOS bacteria, RefSeq viral, & [Millard Lab phage](https://millardlab.org/phage-genomes-jan-2024/))
- Improved masking protocol for custom index creation (`hostile mask`)
- Uses `minimap2` with modified secondary alignment limit and secondary-to-primary score ratio threshold (`-N` and `-p`)
- k-merises target genome(s) into 150mers with a step of 10bp by default prior to alignment. Adds dnaio dependency
- New options for `hostile clean`: `--aligner-args`, `--invert`, and `--offline`
- Verification of downloaded index checksums in [manifest.json](https://github.com/bede/hostile/blob/main/bucket/manifest.json) (https://github.com/bede/hostile/issues/20)
- Adds `version`, `aligner` and `options` fields to log output
- Bugfix: when 0 reads remain after decontamination, the resulting empty fastq.gz files are no longer corrupted (https://github.com/bede/hostile/issues/24).
- Disable potentially surprising fallback to Minimap2 if an error is encountered running Bowtie2
- Symlinked FASTQ paths are followed but no longer resolved
- Links to published article