:tada: Features Added
- [`SupervisableDataset`](https://phurwicz.github.io/hover/pages/reference/core-dataset/#hover.core.dataset.SupervisableDataset)
- you can now edit selections, like kicking points from current selection or updating cells on the fly.
- [`snorkel_crosscheck`](https://phurwicz.github.io/hover/pages/reference/recipes/#hover.recipes.experimental.snorkel_crosscheck)
- allows you to label and filter through functions.
- you can change those functions dynamically without having to replot!
- all `Loggable` subclasses, i.e. datasets and explorers
- traceback handling for all methods has switched to [`rich`](https://rich.readthedocs.io/en/stable/traceback.html).
- all [`BokehBaseExplorer`](https://phurwicz.github.io/hover/pages/reference/core-explorer-base/) subclasses
- Selections can now be made cumulatively. Tap on multiple points to view or label at once, without the overhead of re-plotting in between.
- this option is invoked through a checkbox toggle.
- by default, built-in recipes link the toggle between all explorers in the recipe.
- [`VectorNet`](https://phurwicz.github.io/hover/pages/reference/core-neural/#hover.core.neural.MultiVectorNet)
- now has widgets for configuring training hyperparameters.
- currently only supports changing epochs.
- will support changing learning rate and momentum.
- added a method prepare_loader() that takes `SupervisableDataset` and returns a torch `DataLoader`.
- [`MultiVectorNet`](https://phurwicz.github.io/hover/pages/reference/core-neural/#hover.core.neural.MultiVectorNet) **new class under experimentation**
- makes use of multiple VectorNets trained simutaneously, inspired by the [Coteaching research](https://arxiv.org/abs/1804.06872).
:exclamation: Backward Incompatibility
- [`SupervisableDataset`](https://phurwicz.github.io/hover/pages/reference/core-dataset/#hover.core.dataset.SupervisableDataset)
- used to have dual data structure: dataframes and lists of dictionaries
- now only uses dataframes, i.e. `dataset.dfs` stays but `dataset.dictls` is removed.
- [`active_learning`](https://phurwicz.github.io/hover/pages/reference/recipes/#hover.recipes.experimental.active_learning) **signature change**
- no longer takes `vectorizer` or `vecnet_callback` as inputs
- will instead take `VectorNet` directly.