
Latest version: v0.0.2

Safety actively analyzes 663890 Python packages for vulnerabilities to keep your Python projects secure.

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- NEW: Rudimentary error message when no error handler is defined.
- NEW: Return integer status code from a route's callable.
- NEW: Wildcard pattern of path type, e.g. ``<:path>``, to match paths.
- NEW: Return static files using the ``static()`` method.
- NEW: Send attachment to client using the ``download()`` method.
- NEW: Cookies dictionary in request object.
- NEW: Set cookie in response header using the ``set_cookie()`` method.
- NEW: Send redirects by returning tuple of status code and URL.


- NEW: Literal, wildcard and regular expression routes.
- NEW: Anonymous, named and throwaway wildcards.
- NEW: Query and form dictionaries in request object.
- NEW: Custom error pages.



Has known vulnerabilities

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