- travis and appveyor testing updates
- radial profile plot centering fixed to more correctly calculate the fractional center offsets
- cumulative radial profile flux calculation should now be correct
- the fit_gauss_1d function call was changed to accept the radius and flux array so that they
could be constructed correctly for multiple circumstances
- documentation updated and new simple walkthrough added
- MEF fits images with IMAGE arrays in the primary HDU should be detected correctly now
- now possible to give load_fits an in-memory fits object
- code cleanup and minor bug fixes
- background fit added to 1D and 2D Gaussian fits
- plotting AiryDisk2D fit is now possible
- unit test updates
- new options added to the aperture phot parameter set that allow users to plot the used apertures
- ZScaleInterval added from astropy.virtualization to set the color range on the data for aperture photometry plot
- replaced the sigma to fwhm lambda with the astropy constant for conversion
- added cursor move recognition using the arrow keys during the imexam loop, however, depending how the user has their windowing focus set, the DS9 window may loose focus, forcing them to move the cursor manually back to the window. Cursor moves are only implemented for DS9, not Ginga.