- Drop Python 2 support. Requires Python >= v3.7.
- General documentation build update. Update to readthedocs v2 configuration.
- Update package dependencies. Require previously unlisted dependencies: ``h5netcdf``, ``geopandas``, ``matplotlib``, ``numpy``, ``pandas``, ``scipy``, ``xarray``.
- Fix error from bad coordinate assignment in ``impactlab_tools.gcp.reindex.hierid_to_shapenum()``.
- Remove dependence on ``toolz`` package.
- Quick and dirty code style cleanup.
- Replace ``flake8`` with ``ruff`` for code quality checks.
- Consolidate requirements files into requirements.txt, purely used for Github Actions CI.
- Update and refactor into ``src/`` layout with ``pyproject.toml``. Radically simplify the 'meta' of building and maintaining the package.
- Drop ``tox``.
- Add LICENSE file to repo.
- Remove Travis-CI configurations. Use Github Actions for CI (:issue:`468`)