
Latest version: v0.0.8

Safety actively analyzes 702367 Python packages for vulnerabilities to keep your Python projects secure.

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- `fast_knn`: Add parameters that can be passed to `scipy.spatial.KDTree` (`leafsize`) and `scipy.spatial.KDTree.query` (`eps`, `p`, `distance_upper_bound`). Add example usage for `fast_knn`. [(PR38)](
- Support for Pandas DataFrame objects [(PR36)](
- Support for python3.7 [(PR34)](
- New time series imputation - Moving window imputation: `impyute.moving_window` [(PR28)](
- Renamed some files/functions [(PR23)](
* `random_uniform` -> `randu`
* `random_normal` -> `randn`
* `impyute.deletions` -> `impyute.deletion`
* `impyute.datasets` -> `impyute.dataset`
* `impyute.imputations` -> `impyute.imputation`
* `impyute.utils` -> `impyute.util`
- All imputations used to run on a pointer to the original array, changing the original. Changed behaviour run on a copy with the option of running on the original (`inplace=True`). Implementation of this is still buggy, because `inplace=True` only works if what's getting passed in truly is a pointer. [(PR22)](



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