- Bumped the minimum required python version from 3.7 to 3.8. This was already the case (due to the
usage of `std`'s `typing` lib), but not reflected in the package manifest.
- Improved and updated documentation where necessary
- Added `` documentation file
- Added `` wiht build instructions
Mathematical changes
- Moved away from the $\kappa=3$ paradigm to a more sensible calculation for
\varepsilon_H=3 \times \frac{\varepsilon_V - 1/2 (V_t/V)^2}
{\varepsilon_V+V_{tt}/V - 1/2 (V_t/V)^2}
Where $V_{tt}$ is calculated using the assumption $\tan\delta=V_{vw}/V_{vv}$ and $1/2(V_t/V)^2=
\varepsilon_V\sin^2\delta$. Note that this new equation gives different results: it is less
restrictive than the previous $\kappa=3$ paradigm, although it is better motivated from a
theoretical standpoint.
- Replaced $\varepsilon_H$ calculation with $\eta_{\parallel}$ calculation, where $\eta_{\parallel}$
is calculated as:
\eta_{\parallel}=\omega\tan\delta -3
API changes
- Renamed `AnguelovaLazaroiuCondition` to `GeneralisedAL`
- `SymbolicCalculation` no longer requires the vector $w \perp \nabla V$ to be speficied by default
(it is still possible to do so as an option)
- Updated Rayon 1.8 -> 1.10
- Upgraded PyO3 0.20 -> 0.21
- Upgraded numpy 0.20 -> 0.21