
Latest version: v2024.2

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Upgrade notes

- Ensure the database is backed up before executing an upgrade.

Inmanta-core: release 12.0.0 (2024-04-02)

New features

- Added support for arithmetic operators to the language (addition, substraction, multiplication, division, exponentiation and modulo). ([inmanta/inmanta-core1799](
- Add facts that don't expire. ([6560](
- Introduced a new configuration option `database.wait_time` for the Inmanta server, enabling it to wait for the database to become available before starting. Users can specify the maximum time (in seconds) the server should wait for the database to be up. A value of 0 means the server will not wait, while a negative value indicates the server will wait indefinitely. ([6994](
- Implement constraints on jwt claims
- Remove state back propagation from the database


- Add `--soft-delete` option to the exporter. This option makes sure that resource sets, specified using the `--delete-resource-set` option, are only deleted if there are no resources exported for this set.
- Report which pip indexes were used to install a V2 module or third-party Python dependency if that package could not be found. ([6096](
- Add exclude_changes argument to the get_resource_actions endpoint to filter out resource actions with specific changes ([6733](
- Improved error message when http request have oversized headers
- Improve performance of cross agent dependency resolution ([6999](
- Improve exporter performance ([7040](
- Improve performance of std::validate_type ([7041](
- Add dedicated set_fact and set_parameter endpoints ([7068](
- Remove support for legacy schema migration (< ISO4 ) ([7117](
- Added the ability to have mergeable environment variables to the compiler service ([7154](
- Improve performance of resource view ([7231](
- Increased the default value of the database.connection_pool_max_size setting to 70 ([7248](
- Improve deploy performance for very large models ([7262](
- Add documentation on how to create the initial user when using the built-in authentication provider. ([inmanta/inmanta-core7357](
- Ensure agent code folder is cleaned up on restart ([7388](
- Agent started using std::Agentconfig now always deploy when first started ([7448](
- Added a named-volume to the PostgreSQL server started by the docker-compose based installation documentation.
- Make agent more resilient to resource loading issues
- Improve performance by tuning logging
- Improve performance of type validation
- Make parameter refresh a non-blocking call
- Add support for string concatenation in the Inmanta modelling language
- Changed the default value of the `server.auth_method` config option from `None` to `oidc`.

Upgrade notes

- The default value of the project configuration option `agent_install_dependency_modules` changed to True. ([inmanta/inmanta-core7026](
- Remove state back propagation from the database

Deprecation notes

- Remove functionality relying on netifaces from reporting. ([inmanta/inmanta-core7019](
- The project configuration option `agent_install_dependency_modules` is deprecated and will be removed in a next major release. ([inmanta/inmanta-core7026](

Bug fixes

- Fixed bug where certain config options could not be set through environment variables
- Fix formatting of error message for inline if expressions ([6226](
- make sure an environment can not be resumed while deleting, that deleting an environment first halts the environment and that the active model cannot be deleted.
- Resolve race condition on release version ([6955](
- Deploy command no longer ignores ``-f`` option. ([6993](
- Prevent deadlock between the `_log_session_expiry_to_db` and the `_log_session_seen_to_db` and `_log_session_creation_to_db` methods. ([inmanta/inmanta-core7024](
- Requesting a dryrun after a partial compile was sometimes causing an internal server error. ([7065](
- Fix bug where the latest released version of the configurationmodel could be removed by the cleanup job. ([inmanta/inmanta-core7324](
- Improved f-string error reporting ([7418](
- Fix bug where undefined and skipped_for_undefined resources are not correctly merged by the put_partial endpoint. ([inmanta/inmanta-core7416](
- Fix a bug where PIP_NO_INDEX could be used by pip when use_system_config was set to False in the PipConfig ([6096](
- Fix bug that causes literal values to be rendered incorrectly in the OpenAPI documentation. ([inmanta/inmanta-lsm1586](
- Improve ha db setup documentation

Inmanta-ui: release 5.1.1 (2024-03-29)

No changelog entries.

Web-console: release 1.16.0 (2024-03-29)

New features

- Add User Management view when user is logged in through database authentication ([4738](
- Discovered Resources page has been added. ([5395](
- New pages have been added to display the orders and their details. ([5438](
- Smart Composer is now general available ([5470](
- Add database based login form ([5558](


- Add filtering by resource type on the Compliance and Compare pages. ([4555](
- Prevent the user from creating a project name that could be an empty value. ([5373](
- Corrected the disabled highlight for disabled delete button in the Service Inventory ([5400](
- Improve Instance Composer code readability and remove duplicated code ([5443](
- Add description to the order api request and extract the call from the Canvas component ([5469](
- Add Tooltips to the icon buttons in the Instance composer ([5478](
- Add default behavior to zoom to fit on initial load of the instance in the Smart Composer ([5506](
- Adjusted the color of the compile details to match patternfly scheme. Added default empty page for facts. ([5511](
- Add support for suggestions in the forms ([5531](
- Added support to display attribute annotations in tabs in the Service Inventory ([5532](
- Update the add instance button to be displayed as a toggle when the Composer feature is enabled. ([5554](
- Update Notification Drawer to handle notifications without uri ([5593](
- Feature Flag V2, enable specific parts of the application based on licencing ([5619](
- Add improvements to smart composer: Highlight of loose components, Hide/Show connection label, composer is available only from root services
- Upgrade Yarn to V4.

Bug fixes

- Enable adding new nested entity that are already part of a nested entity when the form is in edit-mode ([5375](
- Prevent displaying invalid dates in the Order Details View. ([5512](
- Fix display name in the form for inter-service relationship, and adjust filtering when clicking on a relation link in the attribute table. ([5561](
- Fix issue with misleading visual state of Diagnose button and misplaced 'back' button for terminated instances

Other notes

- The repo requires node 18+ to be installed


Upgrade notes

- Ensure the database is backed up before executing an upgrade.

Inmanta-core: release 11.0.2 (2024-02-09)

New features

- Prevent double processing of events in case of stale events ([7066](

Known Issues

- Handlers that process events should always indicate when they processed events(via ctx.set_updated) ([7066](


Upgrade notes

- Ensure the database is backed up before executing an upgrade.

Inmanta-core: release 11.0.1 (2024-01-04)

Bug fixes

- Fix anchormap entrypoint (language server) for imports with rename


Upgrade notes

- Ensure the database is backed up before executing an upgrade.

Inmanta-core: release 11.0.0 (2023-12-11)

New features

- Add 'exclude_change' argument to 'get_resource_events' to be able to exclude some types of changes from the results. ([6375](
- Add server config option server.tz_aware_timestamps to make the server return time-zone aware timestamps. ([6428](
- Add server config option server.tz_aware_timestamps to make the server return time-zone aware timestamps. ([6428](
- A project-wide pip configuration can be set through the project.yml pip section. ([6518](
- Introduce the 'float' type for floating point numbers ([inmanta/inmanta-core6526](
- Introduced the dict_path module in the inmanta.util package. This module was previously located in the inmanta-lsm package. Users transitioning from inmanta-lsm should now use inmanta.util.dict_path for relevant functionality. ([inmanta/inmanta-core6631](
- Support `*args` and `**kwargs` arguments in plugin signatures. ([inmanta/inmanta-core6691](
- Migrated to pydantic v2, which offers more accurate type validation and increased performance


- Fixed reference to OpenAPI docs to work from any page
- Show exporter timings in compiler output ([6387](
- Improve the output of the `inmanta compile` and `inmanta export` commands, by using the logger name `compiler`, `exporter` or `<name-inmanta-module>` for log records produced by respectively the compiler, the exporter or an Inmanta module. ([inmanta/inmanta-core6489](
- Input validation of the put_version api endpoint is now more strict ([6517](
- Rate limit resolution of cross agent dependencies and make notification asynchronous
- Stricter type checking of values returned by plugins.
- Set the ``PIP_PRE``, ``PIP_INDEX_URL`` and ``PIP_EXTRA_INDEX_URL`` pip env vars according to the project.yml pip config when activating an inmanta environment with the ``inmanta-workon`` command.
- Raise an explicit error when attempting to create a virtual env with invalid characters in its path.
- Added documentation on how to perform an upgrade in-place. ([inmanta/inmanta-service-orchestrator393](

Upgrade notes

- All projects now require a pip config in the `project.yml`: please refer to the [migration guide](migrate_to_project_wide_pip_config) to move to a project-wide pip configuration. ([6518](
- Stricter type checking of values returned by plugins. Specifying None as returned type requires None to be returned.
- For successful upgrading to this version, it is required to have ISO version 5.4.2 or higher already installed. ([6726](
- stricturl is no longer supported. This has been dropped by pydantic

Deprecation notes

- The ``net`` module has been deprecated. ([inmanta/net209](
- The ``ip`` module has been deprecated. All its functionality is now available in the ``std`` module. ([inmanta/ip253](
- Remove the autostart_agent_interval and autostart_splay environment settings ([6084](
- Deprecate the 'number' type. Use the 'int' or 'float' type instead ([inmanta/inmanta-core6526](
- Removed the 'inmanta module install' command.. As an alternative to the now-removed 'inmanta module install' command, users should follow the updated procedure for module installation: The new method involves using the 'inmanta module build' command followed by 'pip install ./dist/<dist-package>' to build a module from source and install the distribution package, respectively. Alternatively, use 'pip install -e .' to install the module in editable mode ([6717](

Bug fixes

- Make sure openapi UI works when ssl is enabled ([5680](
- Fix bug in f-strings not working when whitespaces surround the variable. ([6629](
- Fix the handling of numeric keys in dict paths: floating-point numbers and their integer equivalents are treated as the same key. ([6731](
- Fix a bug where numbers where cast to int instead of float
- Fix jwt config error message to use the correct attribute and provide more context
- Compiler: fixed bugs in some operators when "Unknown" values are passed: `==`, `!=`, `not`, `in` and `is defined` now properly propagate unknowns. ([6033](
- Compiler: add support for "Unknown" values in operators ([6033](
- No longer update the increment when the agent pulls (this is now done when a new version is released), to prevent race with 6486.
- Fixed compiler bug where list comprehensions result in a ListModifiedAfterFreeze exception when the value expression is a constructor

Other notes

- Compiler: for consistency reasons, the for loop body will no longer be executed for "Unknown" values

Inmanta-ui: release 5.1.0 (2023-12-11)

Deprecation notes

- Removed the `web-ui.console_json_parser` option because it has become redundant. ([inmanta/inmanta-core6641](

Web-console: release 1.15.0 (2023-12-11)

New features

- The Service inventory now supports the functionality to duplicate an instance. ([5166](


- Add links to API documentation, both for LSM API and the General API. The update Service Catalog message is now also clearer ([4419](
- Improve behaviour of the agents table when the environment is halted ([4555](
- Enhancement bringing back functionality to close Sidebar when clicked outside of it on mobile, Introduce said functionality to Notification Drawer - Desktop & mobile ([4751](
- Redirect the user to the Desired State page on Environment Creation on OSS, instead of Compile Reports page. ([4835](
- Highlight table rows when hovering ([5038](
- Add the attribute modifiers to the Service Details table. ([5053](
- Timestamps in the dashboard are now rounded to full hours ([5081](
- Introduce functionality that blocks UI for the process of halting environment ([5136](
- Increase default page size to 100 for Resource logs in the Resource details page. ([5159](
- The user actions present in the expanded rows in the Service Inventory, displaying the Service Details have been moved to a toggle-menu at the end of each row. ([5166](
- Update support archive link for v2 ([5218](
- Improve overal UI of the inventory table, and remove the Attribute Summary Column ([5280](

Bug fixes

- Repair the drilldown height issue for the Actions dropdown. ([5280](


General changes

Upgrade notes

- The RPMs now install a Python 3.11 environment. ([inmanta/inmanta-core6024](
- Ensure the database is backed up before executing an upgrade.

Inmanta-core: release 10.0.0 (2023-10-13)

New features

- Add handler (DiscoveryHandler) to discover unmanaged resources. ([6025](
- the `release_version`, `/version/<id>` api endpoint will now return a 409 when called twice on the same version ([6349](
- Allow cron expressions in the agent_repair_interval so that we can specify a time-interval where the repair runs happen.


- Improve agents responsiveness for agents with a large number of connections and introduce a parameter to set the max-clients limit on an agent. ([241](
- add a warning to the docs about the risk of using multiple python package indexes
- Add top-level handler abstract base class `HandlerAPI` and made resource handlers generic in their resource type. ([6025](
- Add the "not in" operator. ([6211](
- Split deletes of projects, environments and configurationmodels into small transactions to prevent deadlocks. ([inmanta/inmanta-core6427](
- Files handled by the file API are now stored in the database instead of on the file system of the Inmanta server. ([inmanta/inmanta-core6441](
- Ensure that resources that will receive events are in the increment.. Any deployment with a status other than nochange is considered to be an event. ([6477](
- Add support for cron expressions for autostart_agent_deploy_interval and autostart_agent_repair_interval environment settings. ([6549](
- Ensure child processes are awaited by the deploy command
- Prefix the error messages produced by the `inmanta module release` command with `Error:` to make clear it's an error message.
- Improve the output of the `inmanta compile` and `inmanta export` commands to make it more clear to the end-user when the command failed. ([inmanta/inmanta-core5258](
- Increase the default value of INMANTA_MAX_ITERATIONS to 100000
- Moved the `validate_type` logic from the std module to inmanta-core. ([inmanta/inmanta-core6540](
- Reduce log level of compiler scheduler from debug to trace, to reduce compiler log output
- Added support to the `GET /metrics` endpoint to round the returned timestamps to a full hour. ([inmanta/inmanta-core6051](
- Add clarifying docstring to the IgnoreResourceException.

Upgrade notes

- When implementing a generic handler (extending from Generic), the Generic class must be mentioned last in the list of base classes of that handler. ([6025](
- the `release_version`, `/version/<id>` api endpoint will now return a 409 when called twice on the same version ([6349](
- A full recompile is required after upgrading the Inmanta server to re-publish all required files to the file API. After the upgrade, the Inmanta server will no longer have access to files uploaded using the old version of the Inmanta server. ([inmanta/inmanta-core6441](

Deprecation notes

- The compiler no longer explicitly injects the implied `== true` for plugin calls in typedef constraints ([inmanta/inmanta-core5787](
- The CRUDHandlerGeneric is now deprecated in favor of the CRUDHandler class ([6025](
- The `server.delete-currupt-files` config option was removed. ([inmanta/inmanta-core6441](
- Removed support for the legacy relationship syntax from the compiler. ([inmanta/inmanta-core5265](

Bug fixes

- Ensure get_resource_events and resource_did_dependency_change work across incremental compiles ([5493](
- Prevent repairs from restarting indefinitely when a short deploy interval is set ([6202](
- Ensure releasing a new version can not hide failures in ongoing deployments for older versions ([6475](
- Increase the timeout on the status method of a server slice 1s to prevent undesired timeouts on the status page of the web-console. ([inmanta/inmanta-core6599](
- Removed duplicate fact-expire from default config file
- Don't set a resource to the deploying state if that resource is undeployable.
- Fix bug where the `id.attribute_value` field of resources emitted by the exporter have a non-string type, when the type in the model is not a string.
- Improve the performance of the API endpoints that clear or delete an environment. ([inmanta/inmanta-core6373](

Inmanta-ui: release 5.0.0 (2023-10-13)

No changelog entries.

Web-console: release 1.14.0 (2023-10-13)


- A banner will now be shown if your license is about to expire, or if it already has expired. ([4708](
- Add e2e test for keycloak authentication ([4868](
- Updated the default filtering on Compliance check page and Compare page to exclude the unmodified files. ([4681](
- Improve the error messaging when the server is down and not reachable. ([4686](
- Improve the user-feedback when pressing either the repair or deploy button on the ressource page. ([4349](
- Update url construction based on new changes in API to redirect to ressource page. ([4907](
- Refresh automatically the environment overview page. ([4840](
- The select for compare functionality on the Desired State page has been updated. ([4391](
- Implement the useFeatures hook to fetch the config.js file from the server and extract the features.

Bug fixes

- Improve the behavior on Firefox when hovering over code-block icons. ([4916](
- Repair timepicker.

Other notes

- Upgrade the UI library to Patternfly V5. ([5076](


Upgrade notes

- Ensure the database is backed up before executing an upgrade.

Inmanta-core: release 9.3.0 (2023-07-04)

New features

- Added support for list comprehensions to the language, see the documentation for more details (Issue 5433)
- Added support for keyword-only arguments in plugins (Issue inmanta/inmanta-core5706)
- Expose the logging setup through the stable api (Issue 5815)


- Add support to the compilerservice to request a compile that is part of a database transaction. (Issue inmanta/inmanta-lsm1249)
- Add documentation on how to upgrade an orchestrator by migrating from one running orchestrator to another. (Issue inmanta/inmanta-service-orchestrator391)
- The CRUDHandlerGeneric class was added. This class contains the same implementation as the CRUDHandler class, but is generic with respect to the specific PurgeableResource it acts on. (Issue inmanta/inmanta-core5555)
- Added generic logging interface for the handler and a compatible implementation that uses the Python loggers for testing purposes. (Issue 5708)
- Add the "-v" / "--verbose" option to Inmanta commands and sub-commands to set the verbosity of the console output. (Issue inmanta/inmanta-core5755)
- Add python-like f-strings. (Issue 5757)
- The 'inmanta module release' command now outputs the release tag (Issue 5816)
- Improve error reporting when attempting to move a resource to another resource set in a partial compile. (Issue 5884)
- Fix bug that makes the handler fail with the exception `PostgresSyntaxError: trailing junk after parameter at or near "$3A"` when running against PostgreSQL 15. (Issue inmanta/inmanta-core5898)
- The server now keeps track of database pool exhaustion events and will report daily how many occured, if some exhaustion was noticed. (Issue 5944)
- improved support for pip config files by adding the use_config_file option to project.yml. If set the pip config file will be used. (Issue 5976)
- Add dedicated project-wide pip index url configuration option to the project.yml. (Issue 5993)
- Add support to expose the same method via the API using different URLs. (Issue inmanta/inmanta-lsm1274)
- The hardcoded agent backoff time is now configurable using the `config.agent_get_resource_backoff` config option.
- Improve the documentation of the `api/v1/resource/<id>` endpoint and return a clear error message if the given id is not a valid resource version id.
- Improve the performance of the `GET /api/v2/resource/<resource_id>/logs` endpoint. (Issue inmanta/inmanta-core6147)
- The server now logs the enabled extensions when it starts.
- Only print exception trace on cache failure when log level is at least DEBUG (-vvv)
- Ensure status endpoint returns after 100ms
- Update the documentation about setting up authentication, to use Keycloak version 20.0
- Mention in the server installation documentation which extensions need to be enabled.

Upgrade notes

- The purge_on_delete feature and the `POST /decommission/<id>` endpoints have been removed. (Issue 5677)

Deprecation notes

- In a future release it will not be possible anymore to use a resource with an id_attribute called id (Issue inmanta/pytest-inmanta367)
- The CRUDHandler class is deprecated in favor of the CRUDHandlerGeneric class. In a future major release CRUDHandlerGeneric will be renamed to CRUDHandler. As such, it's recommended to import CRUDHandlerGeneric using the alias CRUDHandler. (Issue inmanta/inmanta-core5555)
- Setting a package source in the project.yml file through the `repo -> url <index_url> option with type `package` is now deprecated in favour of the `pip -> index_urls <index_url> option.`
(Issue 5993)
- For consistency, V1 modules' dependencies will now be installed using the configured pip index url (or v2 package repo) if it is set (Issue 5993)
- The default agent backoff time has been changed from five to three. This backoff is configurable using the `config.agent-get-resource-backoff` config option.
- Drop deprecated log_msg method in the handler.

Bug fixes

- Show a clear error message when the `inmanta module freeze` command is executed on a v2 module. This is not supported. (Issue 5631)
- Don't run cleanup jobs on halted environments (Issue 5842)
- Make sure resource.version == (Issue 5931)
- The environment_delete endpoint now correctly removes the environment directory on the server. (Issue 5974)
- Fix bug in `inmanta module update` when requirements.txt contains additional constraints
- Fixed compiler bug that could lead to performance issues for deeply nested boolean operators
- Fix bug where the cleanup job, that removes old resource actions, ignores the environment scope of the `resource_action_logs_retention` setting. This way the shortest interval used for the `resource_action_logs_retention` environment setting across all environments was applied on all environments.
- Fixed broken link to Pydantic docs in documentation
- Fix issue where the documentation of the `inmanta module release` command is incorrectly formatted on the documentation pages.
- Make sure that the log line, that reports the time required for an agent to fetch its resources from the server, is reported as a floating point number instead of an integer.
- Fix race condition that can cause an environment setting to be reset to its default value.
- Fix bug that causes the `/serverstatus` endpoint to report an incorrect length of the compiler queue.
- The server no longer incorrectly logs a warning about server_rest_transport.token missing from the config

Inmanta-ui: release 4.0.3 (2023-07-04)


- Improve the logging regarding the web-console configuration options.

Web-console: release 1.13.0 (2023-07-04)


- From now on Recompile buttons aren't disabled after use, which makes queueing recompilations possible.
- Add support for Attribute-Type migration in the attribute table. (Issue 4534)
- Add support to run the e2e tests against the OSS Orchestrator releases. (Issue 4660)
- UI-fix for the header when authentication is enabled. (Issue 4865)
- Add support for textarea in forms (Issue 4910)

Bug fixes

- Fixed issues with missing default values in string list input in Create Instance Form and with embedded entity inputs not being disabled in the Edit Instance Form (Issue 4737)
- Page redirection has been fixed when the authentication token expires. (Issue 4885)
- Bugfix for nested embedded entities being wrongly displayed in the attribute tree-table. (Issue 4915)

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