**New Documentation: [inquirerpy.readthedocs.io](https://inquirerpy.readthedocs.io/en/latest/)**
- ~~Added optional spinner to display while loading choices for list prompts~~
- Added parameter `border` for list prompts to display a border around the choices
- Added parameter `long_instruction` to display longer instructions such as keybinding instructions at the bottom [7](https://github.com/kazhala/InquirerPy/issues/7)
- Added parameter `expand_help` for `expand` prompt to customise the help message and expansion key
- `help_msg` parameter is deprecated and should use `expand_help`
- Added alternate way of creating choices. Introduced a new class `Choice` as an alternate option for dictionary choice
- Added `ExpandChoice` for `expand` prompt as well
- Added `raise_keyboard_interrupt` option to all prompt initialisation options
- The `raise_keyboard_interrupt` in execute function will be deprecated in future releases
- Added parameter `mandatory` and `mandatory_message` to indicate if a prompt can be skipped
- Added ability to skip prompt [10](https://github.com/kazhala/InquirerPy/issues/10)
- Fixed fuzzy prompt cannot type space [20](https://github.com/kazhala/InquirerPy/issues/20)
- Fixed multiselect malfunction [25](https://github.com/kazhala/InquirerPy/issues/25)
- Fixed fuzzy prompt toggle_all [14](https://github.com/kazhala/InquirerPy/issues/14)
- Changed fuzzy prompt `border` default to `False`
- It was `True` by default, changing this to keep it consistent with other prompts
- Changed style `fuzzy_info` and `instruction` default color to `abb2bf`
- Automatic spacing added for checkbox prompt, if you have customised the prompt using `enabled_symbol` and `disabled_symbol`,
you may need to remove the extra space you have previously added. The change here is to align with other prompts current behavior
- Checkbox prompt default value for `enabled_symbol` and `disabled_symbol` is changed from hex symbol to circle [22](https://github.com/kazhala/InquirerPy/issues/22)
- **Behavior of `raise_keyboard_interrupt` is changed. Checkout the documentation for more info**