- Configurable Kafka trace correlation (enabled/disabled) and correlation header format (string, binary, both). - [AWS Lambda] Add DynamoDB streams trigger. - [W3C Trace Context] Reject traceparent header when either trace ID or parent span ID are all zeroes. - [Bull] Fixed the error `TypeError: Cannot read property 'opts' of null` in repeatable jobs.
- An issue event is sent if the application uses an EOL (end of life) version of Node.js. Applicable only for non serverless environments. - Manual spans creation handles tags that are passed as non extensible objects - when `Object.freeze` or `Object.preventExtensions` is applied to the tags. - [AWS SDKv2] Instrumentation of SNS - Remove dependency to node-gyp. This also removes the opt-in feature of rebuilding native add-ons via node-gyp. This capability was off by default in previous releases, it could be enabled via `INSTANA_REBUILD_NATIVE_ADDONS_ON_DEMAND=true`. This is no longer available, the environment variable will be ignored now. - Fix: Capture HTTP status codes for GraphQL requests over HTTP.
- [Fastify] Add support for 2.x and 3.x
- [OpenTelemetry] Add new package `instana/opentelemetry-exporter` that offers an Instana exporter for OpenTelemetry spans
- [AWS Lambda] Increase retries and timeout in Lambda extension binary. - Add console.warn & console.error instrumentation
- Fix `path must be a string of Buffer` error in dependency distance calculator. - Fix: Use different attribute names in vendored version of `emitter-listener`, to avoid conflicts if the unfixed `emitter-listener` package is still installed and being used by other packages.