We release the version 0.7.0 of InterpretDL, with new features as follows:
- Examples are put into a separate directory [`examples/`](https://github.com/PaddlePaddle/InterpretDL/tree/master/examples). Tutorials are still kept in the previous directory [`tutorials`](https://github.com/PaddlePaddle/InterpretDL/tree/master/tutorials).
- A new explanation algorithm [`bidirectional_transformer`](https://github.com/PaddlePaddle/InterpretDL/blob/master/interpretdl/interpreter/bidirectional_transformer.py) is implemented.
- Documentation is improved.
- Fix some bugs.
We also would like to brag about ourselves that our paper with InterpretDL is accepted by Journal of Machine Learning Research (JMLR).
> Xuhong Li, Haoyi Xiong, Xingjian Li, Xuanyu Wu, Zeyu Chen, and Dejing Dou. “InterpretDL: Explaining Deep Models in PaddlePaddle.” Journal of Machine Learning Research, 2022. https://jmlr.org/papers/v23/21-0738.html.
One survey paper is accepted by Knowledge and Information Systems (KAIS):
> Xuhong Li, Haoyi Xiong, Xingjian Li, Xuanyu Wu, Xiao Zhang, Jiang Bian, and Dejing Dou. “Interpretable Deep Learning: Interpretations, Interpretability, Trustworthiness, and Beyond.” Knowledge and Information Systems, 2022, Springer. https://arxiv.org/abs/2103.10689.
And two research works got accepted by ECML'22 and Machine Learning Journal:
> Xuhong Li, Haoyi Xiong, Siyu Huang, Shilei Ji, Dejing Dou. Cross-Model Consensus of Explanations and Beyond for Image Classification Models: An Empirical Study. ECML'22, Machine Learning Journal Track. https://arxiv.org/abs/2109.00707.
> Xuhong Li, Haoyi Xiong, Yi Liu, Dingfu Zhou, Zeyu Chen, Yaqing Wang, and Dejing Dou. "Distilling ensemble of explanations for weakly-supervised pre-training of image segmentation models." Machine Learning (2022): 1-17. https://arxiv.org/abs/2207.03335.
We have also released a dataset containing 1.2M+ pseudo semantic segmentation images of ImageNet. Refer to [PaddleSeg:PSSL](https://github.com/PaddlePaddle/PaddleSeg/tree/develop/configs/pssl) for downloading the dataset and the pretrained models.