
Latest version: v0.2.0

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Changes since previous release:
- [e2ba000]( v0.2.0
- [2a7cef2]( fix warnings
- [2193726]( min required python=3.10
- [cc467b6]( fix ruff format and warnings
- [25fbf90]( run tests on py3.11
- [57d5c3d]( support CNY/CNH currency
- [ea00a0b]( wemake-python-styleguide -> ruff


Changes since previous release:
- [883dcc7]( v0.1.28
- [2efc8f0]( Merge pull request #66 from cdump/dateformat
- [24fcbc4]( fix new warnings/errors after mypy upgrade
- [be23972]( upgrade deps
- [f7dcca3]( change presenter default date format from %Y-%m-%d to %d.%m.%Y


Changes since previous release:
- [1ec2cc3]( v0.1.27
- [f6ebe8e]( fix C417 Unnecessary use of map - use a set comprehension instead.
- [6b29740]( poetry update
- [9f30fbf]( more newlines before year in text presenter
- [6b7bfc1]( Merge branch 'pdf_export'
- [af4a477]( small codereview fixes in pdf exporter
- [876ed3f]( Merge pull request #61 from mladshij/master
- [6a4c4fb]( Setting stdout to utf8 encoding
- [9bd2bf3]( Merge pull request #59 from FlameFactory/fix_empty_fee_df
- [6129299]( [tests] add ibtax fee_report tests
- [916cd9b]( [] fix prepare_fees_report
- [9f9a36c]( :sparkles: Export basic report to .pdf files now available


Changes since previous release:
- [c7feb93]( v0.1.26
- [aea0797]( fix settle dates tests
- [42ec294]( Merge pull request #56 from esemi/fix_duplicate_settlement_dates
- [ab0dfbe]( Merge branch 'master' into fix_duplicate_settlement_dates
- [00adab4]( Merge pull request #55 from esemi/fix_thousands_separator
- [5e30291]( :sparkles: Fix duplicate settlement dates for same order
- [eef70a2]( :fix: Thousands separator parsing for trade.quantity
- [cd4a9a5]( Merge pull request #53 from cdump/deps-upgrade
- [d6b35bc]( fix flake8 errors
- [af4218f]( add __init__ fix ibdds and ibtax (fix mypy warnings)
- [e542508]( ibdds: fix mypy errors after mypy upgrade
- [9c9eee4]( add types- packages for requests & tabulate for mypy
- [c947f11]( updated poetry.lock
- [d0504a9]( moex data provider: upgrade for aiomoex 2.0
- [197f475]( upgrade all deps, minimum python version now is 3.8
- [f1c4f60]( tests: add moex data provider test
- [40e34fc]( Merge pull request #46 from esemi/skip_reversed_comissions
- [b76c1fb]( :sparkles: Skip reversed commisions from "other fees"
- [a9fedd6]( Merge pull request #45 from esemi/silent_mode
- [cb129bf]( Merge pull request #51 from esemi/many_currencies
- [24b247d]( :recycle: Refactoring client for support many currencies (Closes #39)
- [6caf5aa]( :sparkles: Add more available currencies
- [1539322]( :sparkles: Move CBR currency codes to Currency class
- [eeea022]( :recycle: Добавил поддержку различной meta-информации по валютам расчётов и покрыл тестами текущее поведение класса Currency
- [54d84c0]( :fix: Поправлена обработка возврата удержанного у источника налога для дивидендов: отчёты брокера строго необходимо парсить начиная с самого давнего года.
- [7be46ee]( :sparkles: ibtax: add quiet param (for suppress messages about forex deals <:)
- [bfae5ad]( [readme] fix run examples (#38)
- [bc1f5ab]( Increase precision for trades income/expenses/profit values (#37)


Changes since previous release:
- [007ff95]( v1.0.25
- [e5745e3]( update poetry.lock
- [41d6a75]( add jedi as dev dep to pyproject.toml
- [eb1c60c]( Добавлена утилита ibdds: помошник для подготовки отчёта о движении денежных средств по счёту в IB (#33)
- [fd8e64c]( Починил вывод отчётов по разделам по пустым годам (есть сделки, но нет дивидендов, например) (#32)


Changes since previous release:
- [dae4bad]( v0.1.24
- [fb5a0e9]( open broker: fix FR parser for new reports, add GDR TickerKind
- [f8cb343]( Trade fee (#28)
- [1e488cc]( Merge pull request #29 from esemi/fix_actions_env
- [81693c5]( :fix: Changed untrusted commands on github-actions
- [deec0a3]( Merge pull request #25 from esemi/currency_converter
- [81f4848]( :recycle: Move convert_to function from Money class to separate functions for compatible with multi-currency operations and manual compute trades profit
- [3b543e8]( :recycle: Move dividends and portfolio presenters to separate functions

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