Changed: - Removed Python 3.6 support - Updated dependencies and library for Python 3.9 to 3.11 support - Moved CI and testing to GitHub Actions
Changed: - Fixed an error that was obscuring underlying errors when trying to _get_series information for a PatchClampSeries
Changed: - Added StimulusType and STIMULUS_TYPE_NAME_MAPPING to stimulus ontology, replacing definitions in EphysDataset - Updated data_set_features to use correct sweep feature extractor detection parameters based on StimulusType
Changed: - Stop IPFX from caching its NWB Schemas when writing/modifying NWB files
Bug fixes: - Converts nwb_version attribute to string if it is in utf-8 encoded bytes.
Changed: - selects recording rather than sweep epoch by default - restructures epoch detection to use recording epoch for stim epoch detection - Use NaNs instead of truncating
Bug fixes: - Round the duration calculation in `run_feature_vector_extraction` so that vectors of the same length are produced even when floating point approximations of times are different.