* SDEV-4041 - bugfix - key error on setting gene properties. Remove gene properties not in the IPR spec.
* SDEV-4041 - update tests test_found_kb_statement_related_gene and test_found_kb_statement_related_gene.
What's Changed
* add workflow to create pr back to dev by elewis2 in https://github.com/bcgsc/pori_ipr_python/pull/138
* merge back to dev by elewis2 in https://github.com/bcgsc/pori_ipr_python/pull/139
* merge back to dev by elewis2 in https://github.com/bcgsc/pori_ipr_python/pull/141
* Bugfix/sdev 4041 gsc report fail pog1650 by dustinbleile in https://github.com/bcgsc/pori_ipr_python/pull/142
**Full Changelog**: https://github.com/bcgsc/pori_ipr_python/compare/v3.12.1...v3.12.2