First release!
Publishing Checklist
1. Run through the notebook `testing/ipav_tests.ipynb` and make sure everything looks okay
2. Update version in `ipyanchorviz/`
4. Update versions in `ipyanchorviz/`
3. Update versions in `js/lib/widget.js`
5. Update versions in `js/package.json`
4. Update changelog (``)
5. Commit
6. Push to github
7. Publish to pypi `scripts/build`
8. Tag release on github
Before doing a release, check to see if there are any outstanding changes or untracked files:
git status
git clean -fdxn
Commit changes, and make sure that any untracked files can be deleted. Then clean the repository:
git clean -fdx actually delete untracked files
Javascript release
To release a new version of ipyanchorviz on NPM, first register for an NPM account [here](, then log in with `yarn login`. Then:
1. Update `js/package.json` with the new npm package version
2. Build and publish the npm package inside the `js/` directory:
cd js/
yarn install
yarn publish
cd ..
Python release
To release a new version of ipyanchorviz on PyPI, first make sure that the `build` package is installed: `pip install build`.
1. Update `ipyanchorviz/`:
- Update `__version__`
- Update `NPM_PACKAGE_RANGE` if necessary
2. Commit changes to `` and tag the release
git add ipyanchorviz/
git tag -a X.X.X -m 'comment'
3. Generate Python packages and upload to PyPI:
python -m build
twine check dist/*
twine upload dist/*
4. Update `` (add 'dev' and increment minor)
git commit -a -m 'Back to dev'
git push
git push --tags