
Latest version: v1.0.4

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- Added timeout to GET and POST (default 60 seconds)


- Added retry_forever option for tracker (default now)
- Added an option to set the tracker backlog queue as non-blocking


- Tracker changes:
- bug fix: replaced dequeue with Queue.Queue on Backlog & BatchEventPool.
dequeue caused excessive consumption of memory and cpu.
Note that .track() is now blocking when backlog is full
- Changed defaults for Backlog & BatchEventPool
- bug fix: fixing a case of negative timer when executing after sleep
- bug fix: fixing a bug in the tracker handler when there are no tracked events (busy waiting)


- Tracker changes:
- Added periodical flush function and changed the interval mechanism
- Changed the flush all streams (flush_all) mechanism
- Added max retry (enqueue again after reached)
- Improved graceful shutdown and signal catching
- Added more options to the constructor and removed logger from tracker
- Added more verbose logging
- Added callback function to tracker (optional callback on error)
- Added Exponential backoff with full jitter
- Renamed enable_debug -> set_debug (also on Atom class)
- Removed the following (moved them to the constructor):
- set_bulk_size
- set_bulk_byte_size
- set_endpoint
- set_flush_interval
- Improved error handling and input checking
- BatchEventPool - Added is_empty() func
- Changed logger (added
- Added for constants
- EventStorage and QueueEventStorage - Added is_empty() func
- Requests class - Improved HTTP class, changed error handling and removed useless code
- Atom Class:
- Improved error handling and input checking
- Removed the following (moved them to the constructor):
- get_endpoint()
- set_endpoint()
- set_auth()
- Updated Docs


- Added deque limit on QueueEventStorage(backlog)
- Updated example
- Changed defaults on BatchEventPool and QueueEventStorage
- Changed all pop() from deque to popleft()


- Tracker Class with thread support
- EventStorage ABC
- Changing python package to match python convention
- Upadting readme
- Fixing auth mechanism

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