- Handler priority system with `utils.Priority` decorator
- New event (`utils.Events.NODE_FINALIZE`) for doing work after all handlers called and node traversed
- Instead of reportme, reports are now in JSON format ([2](https://github.com/thg-consulting/inspectortiger/issues/2))
- Severity level system removed (eg `Level.AVG`) ([3](https://github.com/thg-consulting/inspectortiger/issues/3))
- Report grouping changed to plugins instead of levels ([3](https://github.com/thg-consulting/inspectortiger/issues/3))
- Event registration changed to `on_event` instead of `register`
- Now both `register` and `on_event` can take multiple triggerers
- An option to not exit with `1` on fails (`--fail-exit`)
- A `PLUGINS.md` (which automatically generated by `bin/generate_plugins.py` from `pre-commit`) added
- `Inspector` initalisation with a `filename` and a `ast.AST` allowed
- Report annotation implemented if `Inspector` is initalized with `filename` and script ran with `--annotate`
- New event type, `TREE_TRANSFORMER`, which takes `ast.Module` and returns a modified version before the actual check starts
- Instead of whitelisting, use blacklisting in plugin loading (for consistency).
- Context management improved with scope finalizing
- Implemented a handler for old `super` usage with arguments
- Implemented [PEP 601](https://www.python.org/dev/peps/pep-0601/)
- New plugin for adding references to child nodes about their parent nodes
- Unimport plugin is updated for `unimportv0.1`