**New features:**
- New functions :func:`~ivmodels.tests.inverse_lagrange_multiplier_test` and
:func:`~ivmodels.tests.inverse_conditional_likelihood_ratio_test` to approximate the
1 dimensional confidence sets by inverting the corresponding (subvector) tests.
- New class :class:`~ivmodels.confidence_sets.ConfidenceSet`.
- New class :class:`~ivmodels.summary.Summary` holding information about the model fit.
- New class :class:`~ivmodels.summary.CoefficientTable` holding a table of coefficients
and their p-values.
- New method :func:`~ivmodels.models.kclass.KClass.summary` to create a summary of the
model fit.
- The :class:`~ivmodels.models.kclass.KClass` gets new attributes after fitting a model:
``endogenous_names_``, ``exogenous_names_``, and ``instrument_names_``. If pandas is
installed, there's also ``names_coefs_``.
- The tests :func:`~ivmodels.tests.anderson_rubin_test`,
:func:`~ivmodels.tests.likelihood_ratio_test`, and
:func:`~ivmodels.tests.wald_test` and their inverses
:func:`~ivmodels.tests.inverse_likelihood_ratio_test`, and
:func:`~ivmodels.tests.inverse_wald_test` now support an additional parameter ``D``
of exogenous covariates to be included in the test. This is not supported for
the conditional likelihood ratio test.
**Other changes:**
- The function :func:`~ivmodels.tests.lagrange_multiplier_test` is now slightly faster.
- :class:`~ivmodels.models.kclass.KClass` now accepts ``pandas.Series`` as arguments to