
Latest version: v0.3.0

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API Changes
This release marks an important change in ixdat's organization resulting from the
disscusions under the `calculators label. <https://github.com/ixdat/ixdat/issues?q=is%3Aissue+label%3Acalculators>`_
and `PR 182 <https://github.com/ixdat/ixdat/pull/182>`_.

- Nearly all calculations for processing and analyzing raw data are moved into a
new type of Saveable class, ``Calculators``. These take over from the
``Calibration`` classes of ixdat 0.1.x and 0.2.x but the name is more general in
order to accomodate e.g. ``Filters`` and ``Backgrounds`` which have been long
anticipated (see `Issue 147 <https://github.com/ixdat/ixdat/issues/147>`_), as well as what were formerly known as

- To use language that we've employed for quantitative mass spectrometry,
``Calibration`` classes are in general for both *calibration*, whereby values
needed to perform a certain type of data analysis, like sensitivity factors,
are extracted from one measurement (representing a calibration experiment);
and *quantification* where these values are applied to analyze data from another
measurement (representing the experiment of interest).
- Calibration is generally done by constructor class methods, e.g.::

calc = MSCalibration.gas_flux_calibration(measurement_1, ...)

where ``MSCalibration`` is a class that inherits from ``Calculator``.

- Quantification is generally done by normal object methods, e.g.::

n_dot_H2 = calc.calc_flux(measurement_2, mol="H2", ...)

All ``Calculator`` classes have a special quantification method called
``calculate_series(measurement, series_name)`` which, if possible,
returns a ``ValueSeries`` for ``series_name`` derived from data in
``measurement`` and the ``Calculator``'s own internal data.

Ideas behind this are described in `Issue 164 <https://github.com/ixdat/ixdat/issues/164>`_.

- All of the ``series_name``s that can be used in a ``Calculator``'s
``calculate_series`` method are included in the set
``Calculator.available_series_names``. In general, this is a dynamic property, as
it may depend on which internal data the calculator object has. For example,
an ``MSCalculator`` object which has a sensitivity factor for "H2" at "M2" will
include ``"n_dot_H2"`` in its ``available_series_names`` whereas one which
instead only has a sensitivity factor for "O2" at "M32" will not.

- A ``Calculator`` object (``calc``) can be attached to a ``Measurement`` object
(``meas``) by calling ``meas.add_calculator(calc)``. This makes it possible to
directly ``grab`` or look up any of the series in that calculator's
``available_series_names``. A few challenges arise here with regards to calculator
chaining, (an example is when we want to grab a molecular flux that is both quantified from
the raw mass signals and also background subtracted, or not). Thise issues
are described in `issue 183 <https://github.com/ixdat/ixdat/issues/183>`_.
The solution implemented is described in the first comment to that issue, and
demonstrated in **demo_calculators.py**.

- A ``Measurement`` class can have a ``default_calculator`` class. An object of this
class is initiated (using ``__init__``, not a constructor method) and automatically
attached to the measurement object (``meas``) by calling the method
``meas.calibrate(...)``. A ``Measurement`` class also has a list of
``built_in_calculator_types`` for which a calculator is initiated with default
arguments and appended to ``meas`` upon its initation, and can have a list of
``background_calculator_types`` which are ignored when the argument
``remove_background=False`` is passed to ``grab`` and methods that use ``grab``.


The code for ``Calculator`` classes is in the modules in **src/ixdat/calculators/**.
As of now, the following are included:

- ``indexer.Indexer`` is in the built-in
calculators of the ``Measurement`` base class. Every ``Measurement`` object thus
has an indexer. It is used for easily choosing a subset of the measurement.
- available_series_names: "file_number" and "selector". ``calculate_series``
uses the following methods, respectively, for those two series names:
- ``_build_file_number_series``, formerly the series constructor
- ``_build_selector``, formerly the series constructor

- ``ec_calculators.ECCalibration`` is the default_calculator of ``ECMeasurement``.
Otherwise, it is basically just moved from **techniques/ec.py**.
- available_series_names: "potential" and "current"
- "potential" is the raw_potential (i) adjusted to the RHE scale if ``RE_vs_RHE``
is included and (ii) corrected for ohmic drop if ``R_Ohm`` is included
- "current" is the raw_current (i) normalized to electrode area if ``A_el``
is included.
- Note that looking up "potential" or "current" in an ``ECMeasurement`` without
an ``ECCalibration`` returns "raw_potential" or "raw_current", respectively, as
in ixdat v0.2.x

- ``ec_calculators.ScanRateCalculator`` is a built-in calculator for ``CyclicVoltammogram``,
previously implemented as a function and methods of ``CyclicVoltammogram``
- available_series_names: "scan_rate"

- ``ms_calculators.MSCalibration`` is, like in ixdat 0.2.x, a wrapper around a list
of sensitivity factors (themselves saveable as ``ms_calculators.MSCalResult``s).
- available_series_names: "n_dot_{mol}" for all the mol in its ``mol_list``
Constructor methods:
- ``gas_flux_calibration``, formerly a method of ``MSMeasurement``.
- ``gas_flux_calibration_curve``, formerly a method of ``MSMeasurement``.

- ``ms_calculators.MSBackgroundSet`` is a new calculator that replaces the poor
incomplete implementation of backgrounds previously in ``MSCalibration``. The
structure is similar to ``MSCalibration`` in that a ``MSBackgroundSet`` contains
a set of saveable ``MSBackground`` objects, each for a single m/z. So far, only
one type of background is implemented, the ``MSConstantBackground``.
- available_series_names: mass_list.
- Note that The available series names have the same names as the corresponding
raw data series before background subtraction. To get the raw series, grab or
look up ``f"{mass}-raw"`` or ``grab`` with ``remove_background=False``.

- ``ecms_calculators.ECMSCalibration`` is not a real calculator in the sense that
it doesn't do *quantification*. Instead, it does *calibration*, and its calibration
methods, listed below, all return ``MSCalibration`` objects. This is consistent
with the fact that an EC-MS calibration experiment can be used to obtain sensitivity
factors for a setup which is then used without electrochemistry (e.g. for thermal
catalysis measurements). The calibration methods are
- ``ecms_calibration``, formerly a method of ``ECMSMeasurement``
- ``ecms_calibration_curve``, also formerly a method of ``ECMSMeasurement``

- ``ecms_calculators.ECMSImpulseResponse``, moved from **deconvolution.py**, is the
deconvolution calculator. An ``ECMSImpulseResponse`` object (``imp_resp``)
describes the response of one ``mol``. It's demonstrated in
- available_series_names: "n_dot_{mol}-deconvoluted". Getting this from an
``MSMeasurement`` with ``imp_resp`` attached requires that there is also another
calculator which provides "n_dot_{mol}".
Constructor methods:
- ``from_measurement`` takes the shape of the impulse response from a measurement
representing an impulse experiment, i.e. one where a short burst of product (e.g.
"H2" form hydrogen evolution) is produced at the electrode and its mass signal,
after broadening by mass transport between the electrode and the inlet, recorded.
- ``from_model`` calculates the shape of the impulse response according to a mass
transport model.

- ``xrf_calculators.TRXRFCalculator`` is a built-in calculator of ``TRXRFMeasurement``
which replaces a simple series_constructor.
- available_series_names: "FF_over_I0"

One ``Calculator``, the ``siqCalculator`` for advanced MS and EC-MS calibration,
is implemented as a plugin. At present, this is in **src/ixdat/plugins/siq_plugin.py**.

- ``siqCalculator`` implements all the calibration and quantification methods that
make use of the external ``spectro_inlets_quantification`` package. The calibration
methods were previously methods of ``MSMeasurement`` and ``ECMSMeasurement`` prefixed
"siq_", and the quantification methods were accessed through an overloading of

Constructor methods:
- ``gas_flux_calibration``, formerly ``MSMeasurement.siq_gas_flux_calibration``.
- ``gas_flux_calibration_curve``, formerly ``MSMeasurement.siq_gas_flux_calibration_curve``.
- ``multicomp_gas_flux_calibration``, formerly ``MSMeasurement.siq_multicomp_gas_flux_calibration``
- ``ecms_calibration``, formerly ``ECMSMeasurement.siq_ecms_calibration``
- ``ecms_calibration_curve``, formerly ``ECMSMeasurement.siq_ecms_calibration_curve``
- A ``siqCalculator`` object (``siqcalc``) inherits from
``spectro_inlets_quantification.Calibration`` (as well as ``ixdat.Calculator``),
which implements addition, visualization, and sensitivity factor prediction
- Before use, a ``siqCalculator`` object must be given a ``mol_list`` and ``mass_list``,
which are used to define a ``SensitivityMatrix``, as well as a ``carrier`` gas
(typically "He") as needed by ``siq.Quantifier``. These parameters are given
by the method ``siqcalc.set_quantifier(mol_list=..., mass_list=..., carrier=...)``.
- available_series_names: "n_dot_{mol}" for all the mol in its ``mol_list``, but
only once ``mol_ist`` has been given via the ``set_quantifier`` method

Use of ``siqCalculator`` is demonstrated in **demo_siq_integration.py** and



- Fixed timestamp form in ``QexafsDATReader`` to correctly parse timezone all year.

API changes

- Time-resolved x-ray flouresence (``technique = "TRXRF"``) implemented in `PR 168 <https://github.com/ixdat/ixdat/pull/168>`_:

- ``B18TRXRFReader`` (reader="b18_trxrf") implemented for reading TRXRF data from the Diamond lightsource beamline B18TRXRFReader

- ``TRXRFMeasurement`` with a series constructor method for the value series of interest, "FF_over_I0", and ``TRXRFPlotter`` for plotting the TRXRF data.

- Hyphenation of TRXRF with EC (``technique = "EC-TRXRF"``) implemented (syntax: ``ec_txrf = ec + trxrf``) in ``ECTRXRFMeasurement`` and ``ECTRXRFPlotter``

- Deconvolution module based on Krempl et al. 2021 https://pubs.acs.org/doi/abs/10.1021/acs.analchem.1c00110
is revived. ``ECMSImpulseResponse`` is a class for calculating an impulse response
as input for deconvolution. It can generated either from a measured impulse response using class method
``.from_measurement()`` or from mass transport parameters using class method ``.from_parameters``.
Several methods of ECMSMeasurement class use this new class: ``grab_deconvoluted_signal()`` allows to grab
a an tuple of time and value arrays (similar to other ``grab()`` methods). ``deconvolute_for_tspans()`` loops
through a number of tspans for which to deconvolute data with options to plot and export the original + decon-
voluted data. For examples see deconvolution_demo.py in development_scripts




- Added ``faradaic_efficiency`` to correct the molecule flux as calculated from EC if not 100% FE,
also works for isotopes

- Added ``integrate_flux()`` method to techniques\ms.py (analogous to existing integrate_signal(),
allows for integration of the calibrated signal)


- Added default colors for "H2M2", "H2M3", "H2M4" to ms_plotter.py



- Fixed three bugs in 0.2.10 on spectrum series heat plotting:
- The x axis limit is now such that the full duration
of all the spectra is included when ``spectrum_series.continous`` is ``False`` (not just the last one).
- A universal ``vmin`` and ``vmax`` are determined for all the spectra to be plotted. This avoids effective
normalization of each individual spectrum when ``spectrum_series.continuous`` is ``False`` (which made it
impossible to see changes in overall intensity).
- The ``vs`` variable is now handled correctly when ``continuous`` is ``False``, enabling plotting vs potential
of non-continuous spectrum series data.

API changes

- ``OpusFTIRReader`` and ``MsrhSECDecayReader`` both set the ``continuous`` attribute of the ``SpectrumSeries``
object to ``True``, since these are readers for fast and continuous-scanning instruments.

- The ``continuous`` attribute is now exported and read from ixdat-exported .csv's.

- The ``continuous`` property of ``SpectroMeasurement`` now has a setter. To change it, e.g.::

ftir = Spectrum.read(...)
ec = Measurement.read(...)
ecftir = ec + ftir
ecftir.continous = False



- Fixed bug in 0.2.9 on exporter initiation that had caused a crash on initation of some Spectrum
and SpectroMeasurement objects due to removed ``delim`` argument.

- Fixed bug in 0.2.9 on spectrum reading that had caused a crash when making SpectrumSeries objects
from auxiliary files representing simple Spectrum objects.



API changes

- ``BiologicReader`` can now also read biologic .mpr files using an external package.
When reading a file ending in ".mpr", it first tries the ``galvani`` package, which
seems to work for LSV, CA, and CVA files. If that fails, it tries the ``eclabfiles``
package, which seems to work for OCV and CP files. See:
- https://github.com/echemdata/galvani
- https://github.com/vetschn/eclabfiles
These packages are not added as a requirement, but instead imported dynamically.
If the user tries to read a .mpr file without the needed package installed, they are
pointed to the package but also encouraged to export and read ".mpt" files instead.
".mpr" files are recognized as biologic, and ``reader="biologic"`` works for both types.
Resolves `Issue 132 <https://github.com/ixdat/ixdat/issues/132`_
With `PR 134 <https://github.com/ixdat/ixdat/pull/134>`_

- Zilien MS spectrum reader fixed.
Resolves `Issue 117 <https://github.com/ixdat/ixdat/issues/117>`_

- ``Spectrum.read(reader="zilien")`` rather than ``reader="zilien_spec"`` as
before for reading in a zilien spectrum. This is accomplished by different
groups of reader for ``Spectrum.read`` and ``Measurement.read``
Also, zilien-read spectra now know their duration.

- ``Measurement.read(..., reader="zilien")`` now returns a ``SpectroMSMeasurement``
when the reader can find zilien mass scans taken during the measurement. It
looks for the mass scans folder as zilien names it.
The default plotter is a ``SpectroMSPlotter`` which includes the MS spectra
data in a separate panel. The spectra are accessible by:

meas = Measurement.read("my_MID_with_spectra.tsv", reader="zilien")

which plots the first MS spectrum.
To leave out the mass scan data, include the argument ``include_mass_scans=False``
in the call to ``read``. To leave out EC data but include the mass scans, include
the argument ``technique="MS-MS_spectra"`` in the call to ``read``.
This finishes `Issue 117 <https://github.com/ixdat/ixdat/issues/117`_

- If a series name is present in the raw data *and* in in a measurement's ``aliases``,
the raw data series matching the name and the aliased series are appended. (Before,
only the raw data series matching the name would be returned.)

- Added "opus_ftir" reader for text-exported files from Opus FTIR spectrumeter.

- ``BiologicReader`` can now also read biologic .mpr files using an external package.
When reading a file ending in ".mpr", it first tries the ``galvani`` package, which
seems to work for LSV, CA, and CVA files. If that fails, it tries the ``eclabfiles``
package, which seems to work for OCV and CP files. See:
- https://github.com/echemdata/galvani
- https://github.com/vetschn/eclabfiles
These packages are not added as a requirement, but instead imported dynamically.
If the user tries to read a .mpr file without the needed package installed, they are
pointed to the package but also encouraged to export and read ".mpt" files instead.
".mpr" files are recognized as biologic, and ``reader="biologic"`` works for both types.
Resolves `Issue 132 <https://github.com/ixdat/ixdat/issues/132`_


- Added FTIR and EC-FTIR. The latter for now just inherits from SpectroECMeasurement

- ECOpticalMeasurement.get_spectrum() now has an option not to interpolate.
Passing the argument `interpolate=False` gets it to choose nearest spectrum instead.

- Indexing a ``SpectroMeasurement`` with an integer returns a ``Spectrum``.
For example, ``zilien_meas_with_spectra[0].plot()`` plots the first mass scan

- ``SpectrumSeries`` and inheriting classes now have a ``cut()`` method which, like
``Measurement.cut``, returns an object containing the subset of the data falling in
a specified timespan.

- ``SpectrumSeries`` and ``SpectroMeasurement`` objects can be added to each other,
given that their ``xseries`` have the same shape and the technique resulting from
``get_combined_technique(meas_or_spec_1.technique, meas_or_spec_2.technique)``
is present in ``TECHNIQUE_CLASSES``. For example:
ms_with_spectra (technique="MS") + ms_without_spectra (technique="MS-MS_spectra")
--> ms_with_spectra (technique="MS-MS_spectra")

- `Issue 158 <https://github.com/ixdat/ixdat/issues/158>`_
- `PR 166 <https://github.com/ixdat/ixdat/pull/166>`_

- ``SpectrumPlotter.heat_plot()`` and methods that rely on it can now plot discrete heat plots, with
each spectrum only plotted for its duration, if available. If spectrum durations are not available,
it plots each spectrum until the start of the next spectrum, i.e. like the previous (continuous)
behaviour but without interpolation.
Discrete heat plotting is now the default behavior for ``MSSpectroMeasurement``s read by "zilien"
(in which case durations are available).
``ECOpticalMeasurement``s read by "msrh_sec" have an unchanged (continuous) default plot.
resolves `Issue 140 <https://github.com/ixdat/ixdat/issues/140

- Added a ``plot_stacked_spectra`` method to ``SpectrumSeriesPlotter``, ``SpectroMeasurementPlotter``,
and ``SECPlotter``. This is the default plotting method for FTIR.

- ``Spectrum`` and ``SpectrumSeries`` objects now have working ``export`` functions, as does
``MSSpectroMeasurement``. In each case, the exported file can be read (``reader="ixdat"``)

- Default delimiter is now just ",", not "\t,", as the latter doesn't open well in excel.

- ``time_step`` argument to ``export`` can now be used without specifying a ``tspan``

- `Issue 153 <https://github.com/ixdat/ixdat/issues/153>`_
- `PR 166 <https://github.com/ixdat/ixdat/pull/166>`_


- The string representation, which is what is printed if an object is printed, has been
changed for ``TimeSeries``, ``ValueSeries`` and ``Measurement``. The data series have
changed, so that they will return a helpful summary, displaying the name, min, max and
the timestamp for a ``TimeSeries`` as opposed to the class name and ``__init__``
argument form, which is normally inherited from ``__repr__``. In short::

Before: TimeSeries(id=1, name='Potential time [s]')
After: TimeSeries: 'Potential time [s]'. Min, max: 699, 1481s 21B01 17:44:12

Before: ValueSeries(id=2, name='Voltage [V]')
After: ValueSeries: 'Voltage [V]'. Min, max: 1.4e+00, 5.4e+00 [V]

These new string representations should be helpful on their own, but the main goal of
changing them, was to make them useful in the new string representation of
``Measurement``, which is inherited by all measurements. It will now display a summary
of all data series in the measurement, along with information about their internal
connections, like which ``ValueSeries`` depends on which ``TimeSeries``. For an ECMS
measurement the form is::

ECMSMeasurement '2021-02-01 17_44_12' with 48 series

Series list:
┏ TimeSeries: 'Potential time [s]'. Min, max: 699, 1481 [s] 21B01 17:44:12
┣━ ValueSeries: 'Voltage [V]'. Min, max: 1.4e+00, 5.4e+00 [V]
┣━ ValueSeries: 'Current [mA]'. Min, max: -2.5e-02, 2.5e-02 [mA]
┗━ ValueSeries: 'Cycle [n]'. Min, max: 1.0e+00, 1.0e+00 [n]
┏ TimeSeries: 'Iongauge value time [s]'. Min, max: 1, 3042 [s] 21B01 17:44:12
┗━ ValueSeries: 'Iongauge value [mbar]'. Min, max: 6.6e-09, 6.9e-07 [mbar]
┏ TimeSeries: 'C0M2 time [s]'. Min, max: 1, 3041 [s] 21B01 17:44:12
┗━ ValueSeries: 'M2 [A]'. Min, max: 3.4e-12, 2.0e-11 [A]
┏ TimeSeries: 'C1M4 time [s]'. Min, max: 1, 3041 [s] 21B01 17:44:12
┗━ ValueSeries: 'M4 [A]'. Min, max: 1.2e-17, 2.7e-10 [A]

- Reading measurement without the need to specify ``technique`` keyword argument.
The technique is determined from dataset's metadata. The ``MSMeasurement`` is used
when it is a Mass Spec measurement. And when it includes an electrochemistry
data, then ``ECMSMeasurement`` is used. The default/safe case is ``MSMeasurement``.
Resolves `Issue 159 <https://github.com/ixdat/ixdat/pull/159>`_


- Enable running external tests in CI

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