What's Changed * new method & refactoration by ricardokazu in https://github.com/jquant/jai-sdk/pull/376 * Format Python code with psf/black push by github-actions in https://github.com/jquant/jai-sdk/pull/378 * v0.24.0 by ricardokazu in https://github.com/jquant/jai-sdk/pull/377
Added collection type Clip Image collection accept VIT models Upgrade dependencies
What's Changed * clip model by ricardokazu in https://github.com/jquant/jai-sdk/pull/371 * Format Python code with psf/black push by github-actions in https://github.com/jquant/jai-sdk/pull/372 * Bump sphinx-book-theme from 0.3.2 to 1.0.0 by dependabot in https://github.com/jquant/jai-sdk/pull/374 * v0.23.0 by ricardokazu in https://github.com/jquant/jai-sdk/pull/373
What's Changed * fix: init_values bug by ricardokazu in https://github.com/jquant/jai-sdk/pull/367 * Format Python code with psf/black push by github-actions in https://github.com/jquant/jai-sdk/pull/369 * v0.22.4 by ricardokazu in https://github.com/jquant/jai-sdk/pull/368 * Update __init__.py by ricardokazu in https://github.com/jquant/jai-sdk/pull/370
- Linear on Celery (It's already running, but not documented as release yet) - More parameters for signing up
We recommend that all users upgrade to this version using pip:
pip install -U jai-sdk
Release Notes - Highlights
Highlights - Linear model input changes. Changed Linear Model to new parameters of training and learning.
What's Changed * Linear adapt by ricardokazu in https://github.com/jquant/jai-sdk/pull/357 * Format Python code with psf/black push by github-actions in https://github.com/jquant/jai-sdk/pull/358 * v0.22.2 by ricardokazu in https://github.com/jquant/jai-sdk/pull/359